Can Louis Boyard be re-elected in the 2024 legislative elections? What result to expect?

Can Louis Boyard be re elected in the 2024 legislative elections

Does Louis Boyard, outgoing LFI deputy, have any chances of being re-elected to the National Assembly during the next legislative elections? What result can he hope for?

Winner from his first participation in elections, outgoing LFI deputy Louis Boyard is a candidate for re-election, in the third constituency of Val-de-Marne, for the early legislative elections on June 30 and July 7. The 23-year-old young man, in office since the 2022 legislative elections, is once again invested by La France insoumise under the banner of the New Popular Front, the alliance between the main left-wing forces. In less than two years, Louis Boyard has become a figure of La France insoumise, the former president of the National High School Union, who appeared on TV and radio, has stood out both in the hemicycle and in the media.

The MP perceived by some as an “agitator”, is nonetheless the darling of some young voters. In the campaign for his re-election, his opponent is the spokesperson for Renaissance, Loïc Signor, a former political journalist for the channel. Cnews and Arnaud Barbotin candidate for the union of the far right, the coalition between the National Rally and President LR Eric Ciotti.

A constituency normally won by the left

The third constituency of Val-de-Marne historically votes to the left, for more than 40 years it has been the candidates from the PCF and PRG lists who have come out on top, with exceptions made in 2012 and 2017 where a UMP candidate (today Les Républicains ) and LREM (current Renaissance) had been elected. In 2022, Louis Boyard came first in the first round with 31.57% of the votes, ahead of outgoing LREM deputy Laurent Saint-Martin (25.52%). A place confirmed in the second round with 51.98% of the votes cast.

At the last European elections, Val-de-Marne placed Manon Aubry’s list at the top with 21.9% of the votes, just ahead of the list led by Jordan Bardella (17.59%). But in the catons of Louis Boyard, the inhabitants of Villecresnes and Villeneuve-le-Roi placed the RN in the lead, so nothing is completely certain for the LFI deputy. For the moment, polls show the National Rally at the head of voting intentions in the next legislative elections for the whole country. However, in the department of Val-de-Marne, historically communist until 2021, La France insoumise has enjoyed favorable opinion for several years. During the previous legislative elections, the party joined by Louis Boyard, in December 2022, won four of the department’s eleven constituencies.
