Lawyer in Norrköping had his eyes pressed in – man charged

The woman, who works as a lawyer by day, had just taken an evening walk with her dog in Norrköping on April 12 this year.

As she made her way into her stairwell, she was suddenly attacked. The perpetrator delivered several punches and kicks to her face, head and body. After knocking her to the floor, he continued to subject her to repeated violence.

Then he took his thumbs and, with great force, pressed them into her eyes and held her nose and mouth, so that she was suffocated.

– I tried to get free and screamed the whole time, says the woman in questioning.

The attack was interrupted when a neighbor came out and tore the perpetrator away.

The lawyer was taken to hospital with injuries to large parts of his body. The condition was serious and she suffered permanent damage in the form of lost vision and a lost eye.

Dissatisfied with estate division

In the stairwell, on another floor, a bag was found containing, among other things, a card. When the police searched for the name on the card, it turned out to be a 65-year-old man who had been the deceased’s estate owner in an infected estate division dispute where the lawyer in question was the estate investigator.

The 65-year-old was charged on Monday with extremely serious assault. He has not wanted to speak in questioning, but according to the prosecutor the attack took place because of the woman’s professional role.

The theory within the police investigation team is that the motive behind the brutal attack is that the man was dissatisfied with the division of the estate. Among the evidence is that he tried several times to have the lawyer replaced in the case, but the courts ruled that she did not make any mistakes and can continue to be the estate investigator.

When asked if the perpetrator said anything in the stairwell, the woman replies:

– Not a word, says nothing during the entire act of assault. He is completely silent. At some point when

he gasped, I tried to ask “what do you want, why are you doing this” but I get nothing


The prosecutor calls the assault “extremely reckless” and that it has “caused extreme suffering” for the woman.

The trial will be held in Norrköping district court next week.
