Alliance RN – LR, live: what place for Ciotti? Bardella draws the outlines of his government

Alliance RN LR live what place for Ciotti Bardella

Less than a week before the first round of the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella is beginning to outline the contours of a hypothetical government, in which Eric Ciotti could have a central place. At the same time, the RN-LR coalition is progressing in the polls, just like the country’s two other political forces.

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  • Six days before the first round of early legislative elections, the RN-LR alliance is progressing in the polls. The latest Elabe survey for La Tribune places the right-wing rally in the lead with 36% of voting intentions. Followed by the New Popular Front (27%), then the list of the presidential majority at 20%.
  • This Sunday, in the columns of the JDD, Jordan Bardella began to establish a hypothetical government with a view to a victory for the RN-LR alliance, on Sunday July 7 during this legislative election. If he plans to leave room for personalities “from other political movements” than the RN or even for profiles “from civil society”, he should also allow Eric Ciotti, a new arrival in the family, to benefit from a place of choice: “Eric Ciotti will have a place within my government” indicated the boss of the Lepéniste party.
  • At the same time, several senators recently positioned themselves on the side of Eric Ciotti, favorable to this alliance between The Republicans and the RN. This is particularly the case of the senator from Alpes-Maritimes, close to Ciotti, Henry Leroy, or the senator from Ain, Sylvie Goy-Chaventa, opposed to the vaccination pass.
  • For his part, Eric Ciotti deplored that the candidates favorable to the RN-LR alliance were classified by the Ministry of the Interior for the early legislative elections in the “union of the extreme right” political family.


08:31 – Ciotti present at the RN press conference this Monday

“Eric Ciotti will be present at the press conference co-organized with Jordan Bardella and Marine le Pen scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Hoche salons in Paris,” said the National gathering. The time for this new “rally of the rights” to present its first measures in the event of victory in these 2024 legislative elections, on June 30 and July 7.

08:21 – The RN-LR alliance is making progress in the polls

The latest Elabe poll for The gallery And BFMTV highlights the progression of the country’s three main political forces in voting intentions for these 2024 legislative elections, and in particular that of the alliance between the National Rally of Jordan Bardella and The Republicans of Eric Ciotti. The “rally of the rights” is credited with 36% of voting intentions six days before the election. The New Popular Front (27%) and the presidential majority list (20%) follow. “On the RN side, the alliance with Eric Ciotti works well because it does not lead to a loss of votes” specifies Bernard Sananès, president of the Elabe institute.

08:11 – “Eric Ciotti will have a place in my government” says Bardella

“The Republicans will naturally have a place within (my) government. Eric Ciotti himself moreover” indicated Jordan Bardella in the JDD, president of the Rally and potentially Prime Minister of cohabitation in the event of a victory for the RN in the next elections anticipated legislative elections. A government which will be made up of “people from the RN as well as other political movements. There will also be personalities from civil society, selected not only for their skills, their seriousness and their expertise, but also for their political instinct” he clarified.

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Eric Ciotti caused an earthquake in his party by calling for an alliance with the National Rally for the legislative elections, the first round of which will take place on June 30. “All outgoing Republican deputies who wish not to have an opponent from the RN may not have a competitor,” he declared. He thus hopes to guarantee his political family “to have the same number of seats” in the National Assembly. It had 61 before the dissolution. “We need an alliance, while remaining ourselves (…) with the National Rally and with its candidates,” assured the man who had nevertheless declared in the past that he would never associate with Marine Le Pen.

Jordan Bardella, for his part, confirmed this agreement for “several dozen” LR deputies who are then “invested” or “supported” by his party. The two politicians even began to appear together during certain campaign interventions.

On the Republican side, Eric Ciotti is being dropped from all sides. Those opposed to the alliance tried twice to oust the LR leader but the judicial court invalidated their decision. A real split was then created among the Republicans, torn between the macronie, the RN and their desire for independence.

In the middle of the campaign, Eric Ciotti is also the target of an investigation for “embezzlement of public funds” during the 2022 legislative campaign. He could also be ordered to pay a heavy fine due to the non-respected parity regarding the 62 candidates of the RN-LR alliance. Indeed, within the gathering of the right, also nicknamed the “friends of Eric Ciotti”, there are 5 times more men than women. The tolerated margin of difference is 2%.

Following his alliance with the RN, the deputy for Alpes-Maritimes assured that he had received death threats.
