More and more Swedes are positive about culture created by AI

A new survey from the company Insight Intelligence shows that 43 percent of Swedes can imagine consuming culture that has been created with the help of AI, for example scripts that are proofread by a machine.

Additionally, 27 percent are open to consuming culture created entirely by AI, an increase from previous years.

Lukas Berg, CEO of Insight Intelligence, believes that Swedes’ technology optimism contributes to this increase.

– Then there are also more and more services where you can use AI to create culture, he says.

Most positive for film – not as much for performing arts

The survey shows that most people are positive about AI-created films and music (15 and 16 percent respectively), while openness to AI-created performing arts and concerts is lower, 5 and 6 percent respectively.

– Technology has come the furthest in film and music, explains Berg.

A generational issue

Younger Swedes, especially those between the ages of 16 and 29, are most open to AI-based culture.

– Young people are the ones who use new technology the most, which spills over into their view of AI culture, says Lukas Berg.

Are there any risks to us becoming more positive towards AI-based culture? About that and more in the clip above.
