Hidden danger of doing things for the sake of losing weight: It carries a life-threatening risk! Experts warn: It has begun to be used uncontrollably

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It is the dream of many people to lose weight and have a healthy and fit body. People resort to various methods to achieve this dream. In fact, sometimes these roads can be quite unhealthy. Like crash diets… According to the news in ATV Main News, now the method used by those who want to lose weight quickly are the drugs used for TYPE 2 diabetes. It is quite dangerous for diabetic patients to use it uncontrolledly and without a doctor’s advice to lose weight, even under the supervision of a doctor.

Speaking on the subject, General Surgery Specialist Prof. Dr. Cem Gezen said, “These drugs have not been approved for weight control anywhere in the world. Because they suppress appetite, delay hunger and create a feeling of fullness, they can be used uncontrollably in a way that we do not approve of in those who want to lose weight.

It is used as an injection under the skin. It is cartridged, similar to insulin medications.

insulin sugar diabetes

It can cause pancreatitis, that is, pancreatic disease, and this can be at very advanced levels. It may cause liver and kidney disorders. “It may cause stomach and intestinal disorders, diarrhea and constipation.”

measure sugar

People who use the drug in question voluntarily and quit before a year regain most of the weight they lost. Experts emphasize that long-term weight loss can be achieved with regular exercise, healthy nutrition and adequate sleep, rather than resorting to these and similar dangerous methods.

