these still attractive offers – L’Express

The turnaround at Bercy is astonishing – LExpress

Despite a first reduction in key rates by the European Central Bank (ECB) on June 6, certain players are still very competitive in attracting deposits. This is particularly the case of, which increased the remuneration of its term accounts in May, going against the general trend. The gross rate served for customers agreeing to lock in their savings for one year thus increased from 3.10 to 3.30%. In addition, this platform offers, with its partner CFCAL (Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group), term accounts with a duration of up to five years, at 3.10% annually, which allows current remuneration levels to be fixed. .

However, these offers are only accessible from 10,000 euros and are subject to penalties in the event of early exit. This is not the case for the Distingo Bank booklet, which can be opened with 10 euros and which is currently the subject of a promotional campaign. New customers benefit from a rate of 4% for three months – up to 150,000 euros – then 2.75%. The establishment thus positions itself in the wheel of its competitor Renault Bank, which offers 4.50% for three months then 3% on its Zesto savings account.

READ ALSO: ECB: “If there had not been a rate cut, it would have shaken the markets a lot”

Another attractive offer of the moment: the Trade Republic account, which reflects the remuneration of ECB deposits, currently at 3.75%. The winnings also have the advantage of being paid monthly. Whatever the formula chosen, the interest generated by these investments is taxed at the flat tax by 30%.
