Adam was going to fix the teeth – they were all ruined

Adam was going to fix the teeth they were

Updated 13.14 | Published 1:00 p.m



Adam made an appointment to fix a tooth in the lower jaw. All of his teeth ended up being destroyed.

Today, Adam is depressed and cannot afford to fix everything that was destroyed in his mouth.

– The dentist has taken away three years of my life.

The Swedish dentist was sentenced to five and a half years in prison in the UK – but continued anyway his internship in Stockholm.

On the surface, he is described as eloquent and charismatic, but behind the closed dentist’s door, patients testify to highly dubious treatments where teeth, instead of being repaired, have been destroyed.

– I have isolated myself and do not even meet the girl. I have become depressed and self conscious about my teeth now. It runs deep.

Adam is one of all the people who have been affected by the horror dentist. Adam is a middle-aged man who lives and works in Stockholm. In autumn 2020, he needed to put in a bridge.

The treatment was supposed to take a month – but three years later he has more problems than ever.

– I can’t eat like other people can. I’m reading when I’m talking. I am very careful and avoid eating when I leave my apartment, just in case a bridge comes loose.

He is ashamed of the way his teeth look. At times he has only gone out in the evening.

– I have isolated myself and almost only talk when I am alone. I have trouble sleeping because I think about what I’ve been through.


full screen “Adam” has become depressed after all the interventions. Photo: Filip Meneses

In the end, all the teeth in the upper jaw had to be extracted. And the teeth that remained in the lower jaw were left destroyed. The dentist ground them down so much that a bridge could not be attached properly.

– I can’t afford to fix the damaged teeth.

Adam’s testimony is not unique. Several people we talk to tell us about initially pleasant meetings with the dentist that then end in disaster.


full screen “Leila” continues to have major problems after the procedures. Photo: Private

Relatives helped

Leila accompanied her sister to the dentist and was persuaded that she too needed her teeth fixed.

– Already at the first visit, the dentist chose to file down my teeth and it was done in the wrong way. Everything felt very frivolous. At some point my sister had to help him and give him tools.

What started as an aesthetic procedure turned into Leila having to undergo several painful treatments.


full screen “Leila” is close to crying several times during the interview. Photo: Filip Meneses

– I ended up having panic attacks where I couldn’t stand lying in the dentist’s chair any longer.

Several times during the interview, Leila bursts into tears.

– It has affected me a lot. During the course of the treatment, I had the so-called provisional teeth which did not look good at all. They were very nasty. In addition, I am in pain and it has cost money.

Leila still has problems with her teeth and is still being treated today.


full screen “Leila’s” provisional teeth. Photo: Private

Ivo acts

After the first notification is received by Ivo, it takes approximately three years before the dentist has his license revoked.

According to Ivo, the reason is partly long processing times, but also that authorities in Great Britain did not follow routines for reporting misconduct.

Aftonbladet has been looking for the dentist for a long time but has not received an answer.

Adam and Leila are actually called something else.


full screen “Leila’s” aesthetic intervention went awry. Photo: Private
