Valentin Kronlund is Bachelor 2025 – after Bachelorette

Valentin Kronlund participated in Bachelorette 2024 but did not get the final rose and was heartbroken.
Now he becomes the Bachelor in 2025 and gets a new chance to find love.
– I’m looking for someone who doesn’t always take himself too seriously, with whom I can have fun and laugh a lot. But also caring and seeing people in their surroundings, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

In the last episode of “Bachelorette Sweden” it was between Valentin Kronlund and William Palmblad, but it was William who received Sonja Livbom’s final praise.

– Unfortunately it wasn’t me and Sonja, but I still think it was the right decision, he says and continues:

– It’s always tough to be heartbroken, you feel inadequate.

Now get a second chance

Now Valentin Kronlund gets a new chance to find love in Bachelor 2025. The question came a few weeks ago.

– It was a fantastic question to be asked. To now be able to change the perspective and stand in Sonja’s shoes, it actually feels very exciting.

Saying yes didn’t feel obvious, but in the end he still wanted to dare to venture out and bet on love again. The Bachelorette made him dare to show his emotions and show his vulnerability. Experiences he will take with him in the Bachelor.

– I’m still trying to digest this, there are a thousand thoughts flying around, he says and continues:

– But I’m up for the adventure.

The dream of a future girlfriend

Now he is just looking for someone who is also a little adventurous. But basically he is looking for a life partner.

– Someone I can grow with, show all my sides to and dare to be vulnerable with.

But he has had a relationship pattern that he does not want to repeat.

– Unfortunately, my relationship history has had a lot of betrayal in it: Infidelity or things that are not so fun in a relationship. It has left its mark and trauma. It has made it difficult for me to open up. I am looking for someone who is loyal and wants to build this life. Someone I can trust.

Here you submit your application.

Today 11:07

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