Too many motorists have forgotten the meaning of this sign, yet it warns of immediate danger

Too many motorists have forgotten the meaning of this sign

This sign is everywhere on the roads but many motorists are unaware of its meaning and risk a large fine.

There are a very large number of road signs in France. Each has a specific function to ensure safety and the flow of traffic. But out of the total number of signs – there are more than 300 different ones in the region – how many do motorists really know? Those of speed limit, STOP, prohibited directions, Give way are obviously among those that driving license holders cannot ignore, undoubtedly because they are the ones that we come across most often on roads. But there are others that we see quite frequently and whose meaning escapes us, which can pose a problem, especially if they warn of danger.

This is precisely the case with this diamond-shaped panel on a yellow background bordered in white and crossed out with a black line. We often see it at the end of busy roads in built-up areas or outside built-up areas, which does not prevent many drivers from no longer knowing what it indicates. They don’t know anymore because they obviously learned it before getting their driving test. But, like mathematics, the Highway Code is forgotten over time. So what does this crossed out diamond mean, and why not respecting it can be very dangerous?

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This sign indicates the end of a priority road. If you see it while driving, it means that you were driving on a priority road, which is indicated by the same diamond sign but without the black bar that crosses it diagonally. On these roads, you have priority at all intersections. No need to slow down as soon as you see a vehicle coming from another road, although you must always remain vigilant while driving. But once this priority zone ends, marked by our crossed out diamond sign, you no longer benefit from automatic priority at each intersection.

This obviously changes a lot of things about the way you drive since you then have to be extra vigilant. For example, it is likely that at the next intersection the priority rule on the right will be reestablished, in which case you will be obliged to let the vehicle pass before continuing on your route. Failure to do so is potentially very dangerous as it could result in a collision. And in addition to the risk of accident, the Highway Code severely punishes motorists who do not respect priorities. The penalty is double with the loss of 4 points on the driving license accompanied by a fine of 135 euros to pay. Enough to make you regret not knowing the meaning of a sign.
