This flagship character from The Bridgerton Chronicles gets a complete metamorphosis thanks to breathtaking beauty enhancements

This flagship character from The Bridgerton Chronicles gets a complete

Impossible to miss it. This iconic character from the Netflix series “The Bridgerton Chronicles” was the star of the new season, in particular thanks to her extraordinary beauty looks.

It will not have escaped your notice, the last episodes of the third season of The Bridgertons Chronicles have just been revealed on Netflix. Centered on the couple formed by Penelope Featherington and Colin, this new part particularly caught the eye of viewers because of a very particular detail: the physical metamorphosis of our favorite redhead. Decryption.

Penelope Featherington, unrecognizable in the new season of the Bridgerton Chronicles

It’s well known that with each new season of the Bridgerton Chronicles, the main couple undergoes a glow-up, a real physical metamorphosis bringing out their radiance. It can also be seen as a continuation of the “protagonist effect”. Understand the way the protagonists monopolize everyone’s attention, thus eclipsing the rest of the characters. And the least we can say is that Colin and Penelope were no exception to the rule. For the latter, the transformation is as much physical as symbolic. In the first season, her beauty treatments are a continuation of those of her family, the Featheringtons. The looks are then adorned with warm tones, often vibrant greens, deep purples or lemon yellows. The hairstyles are voluminous, decorated with a thousand and one curls, designed to be unflattering. At this moment, Penelope is dominated by her appearance. We tend to focus on our hair before we even see our face. It’s a perfect reflection of what his character experiences in the first season. The redhead is overwhelmed by life in society and has the feeling of being invisible, even ridiculous. Additionally, we know from the books that the Featheringtons, with their flashy outfits and convoluted hairstyles, appear more youthful than their peers.

Penelope in season 1 of The Bridgerton Chronicles © _mrbridgerton

In season 2, his color palette is already softening. The green shades give way to pastel colors, like powder pinks, buttery yellows or even baby blues, further highlighting her redhead complexion. Penelope is no longer a child, but a teenager trying to define her identity. However, it is in season 3 that her beauty is finally revealed. We still remember the very striking image of Penelope at the start of season 3, entering the milliner’s house and telling her that she must change her look at all costs. In an interview given to the American media SlateErika Ökvist, make-up artist of the series, explains the change she made to her makeup, to make her transformation even more striking. “Instead of reinforcing the soft, round lines of Penelope’s face, giving that youthful look, we enhanced all the protruding lines. The cheekbones appear to be enhanced. We have a drawn jaw, we have cat eyes. All of these shapes I’m talking about are very well documented on almost every Hollywood starlet. Basically, we wanted to create a mermaid.

Penelope in season 3 of the Bridgerton Chronicles © _mrbridgerton

The words are said. In the third season, Penelope no longer wants to live under her mother’s thumb and abandons her intricate hairstyles for more casual looks. She sometimes appears with wavy buns, sometimes with loose hair or low ponytails. Her favorite colors change completely and migrate towards shades of blue, perfect for her alabaster complexion. Note that blue is also the characteristic shade of the Bridgerton house, and is found in particular on its hair accessories. Her eyes, for their part, appear more elongated thanks to a light smoky-eye which gives her the air of a femme fatale. It is the significant transition from adolescent to woman. Penelope has found and is now cultivating her own beauty look.

Erika Okvist precise : “For Penelope, I had to choose the look that best suited her face. Obviously we want it to look good. Old Hollywood glamour, from Rita Hayworth to Marilyn Monroe, really works for her facial features and blended very well with what [le costumier] John Glaser did in terms of costumes.“A successful metamorphosis which wonderfully demonstrates the evolution of the character. Just one thing to add? We are already looking forward to the next season.
