6 tips for losing weight (and keeping it off!) in your 40s

6 tips for losing weight and keeping it off in

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    At the end of your forties, extra pounds can set in, due to hormonal changes or a slower metabolism. How to avoid these curves? Here are six tips to help you approach this crucial stage of life more calmly.

    Menopause is an important change in a woman’s life and is preceded by a period of perimenopause with hormonal changes, a slower metabolism and often… a few pounds gained. Additionally, weight loss is more difficult at this age. How to avoid these curves? The media India.com answers this question, revealing six tips.

    Diet, stress management, sleep… You can act at different levels

    To avoid unnecessary weight gain, it is possible to act at different levels. Here are the ones:

    Consume protein as a priority

    It is essential to consume more good quality protein, as it helps preserve muscle mass and promote satiety. To do this, you can eat chicken, fish, eggs but also legumes, rich in plant proteins.

    Eat mindfully

    This advice applies to all ages of life, but even more so as menopause approaches. It is essential to listen to your body and the signals of hunger or satiety that it can send us, to avoid snacking. Eat mindfully also means taking the time to enjoy your meals, chewing well and avoiding distractions while eating.

    Manage your stress well

    A high level of stress leads to an increase in cortisol production, which is linked to weight gain, particularly in the abdominal area. To limit this, techniques like meditation, yoga or deep breathing can help.

    Prioritize your sleep

    Various studies have proven that a lack of sleep causes you to consume more calories the next day. To avoid this, you must devote between 7 and 9 hours of your time to sleeping well, every day.

    Stay hydrated

    It is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day because dehydration can be confused with hunger, which often leads to unnecessary snacking.

    Practice regular physical activity

    Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming… So many activities to burn calories and improve your overall cardiovascular health. In addition, consider doing bodybuilding exercises to maintain your muscle mass.

    The effects of your diet on your menstrual cycle

    Slide: The effects of your diet on your menstrual cycle
