Apple’s new delay in the European Union – L’Express

Apples new delay in the European Union – LExpress

One more delay. Apple indicated, this Friday, June 21, that it was postponing indefinitely the launch of its generative artificial intelligence (AI) system in the European Union, “Apple Intelligence”, due to “regulatory uncertainties” linked to the regulation on digital markets (DMA), a spokesperson for the group told AFP.

The group is particularly concerned about the obligations set by the DMA in terms of interoperability, which must allow communication between different platforms and messaging systems. The latter could pose, according to Apple, a risk for security and the protection of personal data.

READ ALSO: Generative AI: what if Apple’s delay… was its best asset?

Competition from Nvidia and Microsoft

This delay by Apple in generative AI contrasts with the dynamism of some of its biggest competitors in this area, in particular Samsung. The electronic chip specialist Nvidia and Microsoft even overtook it on the American Stock Exchange, where the Apple brand had reigned for a long time. Even if for Apple, this way of taking its time in generative AI, in particular by signing a partnership with OpenAI, also reflects a desire not to rush to avoid scandals.
