The question the E-Type refuses to answer: “Nightmare”

The question the E Type refuses to answer Nightmare

The Eurodance star Martin “E-Type” Eriksson, 58, is perhaps one of Sweden’s most famous artists. He is synonymous with mega hits such as Life, This is the way, Angels crying, Here I go again and True Believer – immortal songs with over 100 million plays on Spotify.

E-Type. Image source: Christine Olsson/TT Bild

But it is not only the music that has given the E-Type the great fame he can enjoy today. In recent years, the E-Type has been rewritten for its high-profile relationship with the stay-at-home mother and writer Melinda Jacobs40.

Martin and Melinda were married in lavish and grand fashion on August 16, 2023. They were married by Ulf Kristerssons wife, the priest Birgitta Ed. The guest list included the cream of Sweden’s celebrity elite in the form of Carola Häggkvist, Christian “Kicken” Lundqvist, Ernst Billgren, Linda Thelenius and Dr. Alban.

Melinda Jacobs and Birgitta Ed. Image source: Henrik Montgomery/TT Bild

Martin and Melinda’s daughter also had a special place at the wedding Isadora who was born on January 20, 2023.

Since Melinda is a stay-at-home mom, the family is quite large – and everyone now lives together in a lovely house in Vadstena.

READ MORE: Melinda Jacobs salary – this is how much she earns

The E-Type does that today

In addition to his career as an artist – Martin Eriksson is known both as E-Type and as the singer in the hard rock band Dampf – he is also known as a restaurateur.

For many years now, he has been running the Viking restaurant Aifur in Gamla Stan, and recently he opened the doors to the hard rock bar Mammut Bar, also located in Gamla Stan.

– Thought Gamla Stan needed a new rock bar and now Mammut Bar is in place. So fun and long awaited. And I have somewhere to play Saxon, Ghost or Lamb of God when I’m not on tour myself or changing nappies, Martin told in an interview with The entertainment guide.

READ MORE: E-Type reveals his new job – 20 miles from Melinda

E-Type has always been interested in Vikings. Here we see him during a release stunt for his book Helga, which came out in 1999. Image source: Pontus Lundahl/TT Image The question that became too much E-Type

On April 30, Melinda Jacobs turned 40. It’s a milestone that the E-Type left behind decades ago.

This fall, he turns 59 – and in 2025, the popular Eurodance king will be a full 60 years old. When Martin and Melinda were recently interviewed by Aftonbladets Anna and His Shimoda so they opened up about everything from what it’s like to be a parent, via friendship with Ulf Kristersson to the details of the lavish wedding.

Melinda Jacobs. Image source: Stella Pictures.

But one question will stop the E-Type. When the topic of conversation slipped into aging, the otherwise bubbly artist became a little more restrictive….

When asked “You will turn 60 next summer, how does it feel?” so the E-Type replied: “Next question”.

He later elaborated on his thoughts about turning 60.

– It is a nightmare and an unreal number. But thanks to Melinda, Izadora and our whole family, it feels easier. It would have been terribly hard to turn 60 and sit with the dream of children and not have them. On the other hand, the thought of how old I will be on her record is horrifying. But you can be very happy if you’re even alive then, Martin “E-Type” Eriksson told The evening paper.
