(Finance) – With reference to the public takeover offer (OPA) totalitarian voluntary promoted up SAES Getters, a group listed on Euronext STAR Milan and active in the production of components and systems for industrial and medical applications, the offeror has agreed with Borsa Italiana to extend the acceptance period by a further 5 trading days. Therefore, the membership period will end at 5.30 pm (Italian time) on June 28, 2024.
The extension, explains a note, is aimed at allowing share holders, in particular among the general public, to benefit from a wider period of time to be able to accept the offer, even taking the increase into account of the fee announced on June 9th (from 26.3 euros to 28 euros, after complaints from the funds).
At the close of June 20th, total membership requests stood at 8,060,098, equal to 68.70322% of the offer.