Netflix, the world’s most preferred digital broadcast platform, serving with the choose-watch concept, broadcasts the most watched TV series and movies every week. Netflix announced the most watched TV series and movies between June 10 and 16. In this context, in the most watched TV series category Kübra’s 2nd season Sitting in first place, Netflix’s most watched movies of the week Under Paris came out on top in the category. You can find the list of the most watched movies of the week published by Netflix in our content.
Netflix Announced the Most Watched TV Series and Movies, Here are the Most Watched of the Week!
Digital on-demand broadcast platform Netflix, He announced the most watched productions in the week of June 10 – 16. We have compiled the most preferred TV series and movies in both Türkiye and the global market during the said date range.
Latest movie and TV series news You can take a look here.
Netflix from June 10 to June 16 The most watched TV series Kübra happened. Kübra, whose second season has been published, stars the popular actor Çağatay Ulusoy and the series is about the underworld. We can say that the second season of Kübra attracted great attention in Turkey. Bridgerton is in the second place in the list of the most watched TV series, while Susmayalar is in the third place. The first season of Kübra is among the top 10 most watched TV series.
Netflix between the dates in question. most watched movies The first three productions on the list are Under Paris, Mutluuz and On My Way. Let’s add the lists of Netflix’s most watched TV series and movies below.
![1718898486 618 Netflix Announced the Most Watched TV Series and Movies Here](
Netflix Most Watched
Between 10 – 16 June Most watched TV series on Netflix can be listed as follows:
- Kübra: Season 2
- Bridgerton: Season 3
- Those Who Don’t Keep Silent: Season 1
- Sweet Tooth: Season 3
- Who Came and Who Gone: Season 1
- Hierarchy: Limited Series
- Kübra: Season 1
- Eric
- Geek Girl: Season 1
- The 8 Shows
Between 10 – 16 June Netflix most watched movies can be listed as follows:
- Under Paris
- We are happy
- In My Own Way
- Four Brothers
- While Protecting the Enemy
- smile
- Safe and Safe 3: Dead or Alive
- Atlas
- Real Stell
- You Grow Up