This simple question could help you get better or even change your life, according to a psychologist

This simple question could help you get better or even

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    According to a Harvard-trained mental health coach, it’s possible to change a person’s attitude and behavior by asking just one question. What is it ? Find out in this article!

    Olesya Luraschi, a Harvard-trained mental health coach, posted a video on TikTok that generated 425,000 views. The purpose of this post? The “miracle question”. This would be a question that would help individuals change their attitude and behavior, improving their performance at work but also their sense of fulfillment.

    So what is this “miracle question”?

    According to Olesya Luraschi, the miracle question is: “Suppose you wake up tomorrow feeling happy. What would be different?“.

    By asking this simple question, it would allow “identify the clear steps it is necessary to take to achieve your life goal” supports the coach. However, some Internet users are skeptical. “I would like to stop working“replies one of them.”But can I afford it? No“.

    For another, the question doesn’t really make sense, because “Most people don’t know what would make them happy“.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    An approach dating from 1998, used by many psychologists

    Although the question has caused many skeptics, it has nevertheless been used by psychologists since 1998, according to Russell Searight, psychologist at Lake Superior State University, cited by the Daily Mail. It’s about a “solution-focused therapy, which encourages focus on difficulties of everyday life, instead of analyzing the past“.

    The miracle question would be more effective with people motivated by future prospects, according to Kristen Gingrich, a licensed clinical psychologist based in Maine, in her own TikTok . She uses a slightly different version but quite close to the question: “If you went to bed tonight, and woke up the next day with all your problems solved, all your conflicts evaporated… what would that morning look like for you?” According to her, this type of question would allow patients to project themselves on what they really want and then focus on the actions they plan every day to get closer to this goal.

    This approach would be useful in helping individuals overcome depression, anxiety and low self-esteem, in particular. According to Professor Searight, this technique allows the therapist to better understand what the patient wants and the latter would also be more comfortable and would benefit more from their therapy. And you, what would really make you happy?

    How to be happier

    Slide: How to be happier
