Steven Spielberg’s first film is almost forgotten today – after 2 weeks it was put in the poison cabinet

Steven Spielbergs first film is almost forgotten today after

Can you name the first Steven Spielberg movie without looking it up? If not, that’s not surprising, because Sugarland Express is today it has been pretty much forgotten. This year the film celebrates its 50th anniversary, which the director took as an opportunity to talk about the film at a screening at the American Tribeca Film Festival.

Steven Spielberg remembers the disastrous release of his very first movie

The director’s first real feature film was Duel, which was released as a TV movie at the time. Spielberg’s first feature film with a theatrical release was Sugarland Express from 1974, in which Goldie Hawn plays the main character Lou Jean Poplin, who follows her husband Clovis Michael (William Atherton). help with prison escape When the police find out, a fierce chase ensues.

With a budget of $3 million, Sugarland Express only grossed $12 million in the 70s and was therefore considered a flop. According to The Wrap, the director spoke again at the film’s anniversary screening about how Sugarland Express disappeared from theaters after only two weeks.

Warning, here comes a spoiler for Sugarland Express!

The director called casting Hawn in the lead role the riskiest decision. The star was very popular at the time and in Spielberg’s first feature film, the finale is a Murder of its main character. A shock that may have put off many of the actress’ fans at the time.


Goldie Hawn in Sugarland Express

Where can you watch Sugarland Express?

If you want to see Spielberg’s film debut for yourself, you can watch Sugarland Express for example, rent or buy from Amazon and Apple TV. The film is currently not available anywhere in a streaming flat rate.

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