Pictures of Putin on lampposts and balalaika strumming on TV – this is how North Korea prepared for Putin’s arrival | News

North Korea’s state TV channel KRT played marching songs performed by the Russian army from an old recording.

19:56•Updated 19:58

North Korea receives Russia’s autocratic president Vladimir Putin for an official visit. The last time Putin visited North Korea was 24 years ago as the newly elected president.

Korean state television aired an old recording of the Russian army choir performing marching songs with accompaniment. The recording was apparently first performed in April at the April Spring Friendship Art Festival.

The Russian army choir performing in it is reminiscent of the group known as the Red Army choir, which also visited Finland in 1993, accompanied by the Leningrad Cowboys.

The video of the Russian state news agency TASS shows how the streets of the North Korean capital are decorated with North Korean and Russian flags attached to lampposts. The video was shot of a car moving through the window.

In some places, the flags have been replaced by posters made of Putin’s face, the pictures also show slogans about the friendship between the countries.

It is striking how deserted the streets of the city of a million are. It’s like watching a movie set. A few people can be seen here and there and some cars, otherwise the streets and sidewalks are empty.

During the visit, North Korea’s state media published an article in which Putin praised “comrade” Kim and said he appreciated North Korea’s support for Russia’s military operations in Ukraine.

Putin also said that the countries are developing trade and payment systems that are not under the control of the West, and are opposing sanctions against the countries.

Russian news agencies reported on Monday that Putin and Kim Jong-un sign important and comprehensive documents during the visit.

It is a rare visit abroad for Putin, who has traveled mostly to friendly countries since an international arrest warrant was issued for him.

From North Korea, Putin will travel to Vietnam for a two-day visit on Wednesday.

Source: Reuters
