Faure wants “a vote” to choose a left-wing Prime Minister – L’Express

Faure wants a vote to choose a left wing Prime Minister

The lightning campaign period for the first round of the legislative elections, which will take place on June 30, was inaugurated by the very first meeting of the New Popular Front on the evening of Monday June 17, between displayed unity and internal tensions. Facing the left, the majority announced that it had nominated 485 candidates, while the far right of Jordan Bardella, still credited with 33% of voting intentions, detailed its program in the pages of Le Parisien.

Information to remember

⇒ Faure wants “a vote” to choose a left-wing Prime Minister

⇒ 485 candidates invested by the majority

⇒ Bardella detailed the RN program to Le Parisien

Campaign launch for the New Popular Front

The whistle was blown by the first meeting of the legislative race, Monday June 17 in the evening. On an open-air stage in front of Montreuil town hall, several hundred sympathizers of the new left-wing Popular Front saw the leader of the PS Olivier Faure, the boss of the Ecologists Marine Tondelier, the senator and spokesperson for the French Communist Party in succession. Ian Brossat and the former president of the rebellious group in the Assembly, Mathilde Panot. “Who could have believed that in four days the party leaders would agree on an electoral agreement to change people’s lives?” welcomed Marine Tondelier, promising that the New Popular Front “is not a one-night stand and just getting started.”

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With 28% of voting intentions for the moment according to a survey on Monday, the left wants to display the unity and collaboration of its different groups. But this evening, hosted by academic Julia Cagé, nevertheless had difficulty hiding the internal tensions following the decision of La France insoumise not to reinvest several leavers deemed rebellious, including Alexis Corbière precisely in Montreuil, who maintains his candidacy by denouncing a “purge” of the apparatus led by those loyal to Jean-Luc Mélenchon. A conflict which nevertheless burst into the debates on several occasions. “The union cannot come with the distilled poison of betrayal,” launched the new LFI MEP Rima Hassan on stage.

Faure wants to choose the potential left-wing Prime Minister by vote

Olivier Faure, leader of the socialist party, called for Tuesday morning 18 “a vote” to choose the Prime Minister in the event of victory for the left-wing coalition “New Popular Front” in the legislative elections.

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“I don’t know any other way to arbitrate than by a vote,” explained the first secretary of the PS while LFI leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon had suggested that it be the most important group of a left-wing majority which suggests a name.

Attal warns of the “economic catastrophe” of the extremes

Gabriel Attal launched the presidential camp’s official campaign for the legislative elections on Monday, warning of the risk of “economic catastrophe” which he believes would weigh if the “extremes” win.

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He castigates the “terrible for the economy” projects of the New Popular Front and the National Rally, his two targets sent back to back, relying in particular on the warning of Afep, which brings together the 117 largest companies French companies and warned on Monday of a “major risk” of a “sustainable decline” in the French and European economies.

485 candidates invested by the majority

The presidential camp, credited with less than 20% of voting intentions two weeks before the election, will present 485 of its candidates under the banner “Together for the Republic”, almost everywhere. But in 67 constituencies, the Macronist camp “made the choice not to send candidates to guarantee blocking the extremes” by leaving these places to candidates from the “Republican arc”, explained the Renaissance group Monday morning.

“Our political objective remains the same: to prevent a candidate from the two blocs (LFI and allies, RN and allies) from winning, wherever possible.” Some constituencies are also left vacant because of unbeatable candidates. Illustration: François Hollande, widely criticized for having joined an alliance with LFI, has no candidate facing him in Corrèze.

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Bardella details his program to Le Parisien

The leader of the National Rally Jordan Bardella, promised to Matignon at only 28 years old, detailed his program in an interview At Parisian, promising in particular the repeal of the pension reform “from the fall”, the reduction in VAT on energy and fuel from this summer in the event of victory, or even the elimination of certain tax loopholes. The abolition of land law and the replacement of state medical aid with an emergency fund which “will only cover vital emergencies” are also on the agenda, and the RN reiterates its proposal to suspend family allowances for parents repeat juvenile delinquents.

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“I say to the French: to try ourselves, we need an absolute majority” in the National Assembly “to govern” he demanded in an interview with Le Parisien. Marine Le Pen made it known that she would not ask for Emmanuel Macron’s resignation if successful, ruling out the specter of an institutional crisis.
