Dog was abused – forced to live with the abuser

Dog was abused forced to live with the abuser

Getting a pet is a popular and beloved way to expand the family. And in Sweden, animal husbandry is regulated by both laws and regulations.

According to The Swedish Agency for Agriculture should the Swedish animal welfare legislation aim to ensure that animals in Sweden have a good life. This by promoting both good welfare and also respect for animals.

The Swedish animal welfare legislation aims for all animals to live a good life and feel both physically and psychologically well without harm.

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A man sexually assaulted a dog

However, a man from Skaraborg county did the opposite of the law. He was convicted of sexually assaulting a dog. Despite the verdict, the County Administrative Board considered that the dog, which was owned by a relative of the convicted man, could remain in the home where the man was also staying.

The man could be sentenced after footage of the incident was shared on the social media app Snapchat. The clip showed the perpetrator having sex with a bitch.

– This dog has been exposed to both physical and psychological trauma and then think that it is okay for that dog to live with the perpetrator then you really have not looked out for the dog’s best interests, Åsa Hagelstedtsecretary general of the organization Djurskyddet Sweden to Swedens radio.

DO NOT MISS: Owners must know the Dog Act – risk of fines

The picture is a genre picture. Photo: Martina Holmberg / TTCould continue to stay close to the dog – for several years

After the man was convicted of the crime, he could stay in the same home as the dog for several years. Something that causes Hagelstedt to roar as she believes that pet bans should be issued against everyone in the household.

– It is not a right to have animals if you do not treat them well. In my world, the dog owner has not managed to protect his animal. So I would think it would be worth it on the part of the County Administrative Board to try to issue a pet ban for everyone in that home. If it later turns out that it is wrong, the politicians can tighten the law, she tells SR.


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