Anticipated legislative elections in France: Guadeloupe, the temptation RN

Anticipated legislative elections in France Guadeloupe the temptation RN

Jordan Bardella’s National Rally list came first in Guadeloupe in the last European elections. The big winner is above all abstention – more than 85% of Guadeloupeans did not vote, but the RN still comes out on top in 27 of the 32 municipalities of Guadeloupe. With, for the first time, an RN MEP from Guadeloupe.

From our special correspondent in Pointe-à-Pitre,

At the wheel of his taxi, Frédéric slows down in front of the numerous holes in the road, then mentions the water problem. Here in Guadeloupe, in his tap, he only has it every other day.

There are municipalities where the water is cut off for three, four days, a week. In mainland France, one day without water is problematic; on the third day, everything is resolved. Whereas here, no. No politician really takes his job seriously. I even want to say that they resigned. In fact, the right question would have been: does Guadeloupe really count? “, he laments.

A sanction vote

For Pierre-Yves Chicot, university professor of public law and lawyer at the bar of Guadeloupethe National Rally is above all a sanction vote, but the more presidents follow one another, the more Guadeloupeans are disappointed and the more the RN takes root.

With a paroxysmal level for Emmanuel Macron, with a technocratic appearance, it is not a profile of President of the Republic which corresponds to Overseas, because these are Presidents of the Republic who are in a form of disrepute of these territories that feel fully French. So, when the citizen voter listens, even if it is political communication – we can think so from the National Rally – they have the feeling that there is a form of consideration, at least in the speech », Explains the public policy consultant. “ It is symptomatic of anger, but perhaps also of an awareness of the power they have, of clearing the air. We will renounce our convictions, hoping that those to whom we were loyal will become aware. »

This is why Madame Cécile, a 64-year-old socialist trader, initially said she was ready to accept a far-right government. “ It’s because people don’t listen to us. You get to the end of the month, you have nothing. And There you go, everything is going to shit. (sic) »

But now, she believes in an alternative with this New Popular Front on the left, which she will support in the legislative elections.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: thousands of opponents of the far right mobilized in France
