what if you went through the Financial Markets Authority? – The Express

what if you went through the Financial Markets Authority –

Any saver having a dispute with a financial intermediary or an issuer and unable to find a solution with the establishment concerned can turn to the mediator of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF). In 2023, the latter received 1,922 files, of which around 60% fell within its remit. With the Stock Savings Plan (PEA) as the primary reason for disputes.

Two thirds of the files are linked to the delays in transferring a plan in the event of a change of establishment. The problem is so recurrent that the regulator created a working group to improve market practices, whose proposals were validated last year. Other frequent topics: employee savings and stock market orders.

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But last year also brought its share of new things. “In 2023, due to a deteriorating real estate economic situation, two new types of disputes have more than doubled: those relating to real estate investment companies (SCPI) and crowdfunding [NDLR : crowdfunding] real estate”, underlines Marielle Cohen-Branche, the AMF mediator. In the first case, most of the files relate to pedagogy, due to the drop in share prices of certain products or the time necessary to obtain reimbursement As for crowdfunding, the mediator notes “an analysis of the projects and a competence which sometimes leaves something to be desired on the part of the platforms”.
