six prisoners killed during hostage-taking in prison, hostages are safe

six prisoners killed during hostage taking in prison hostages are safe

In the Rostov-on-Don region, in southern Russia, it was learned this Sunday morning that a group of prisoners convicted of terrorism had managed to take two employees of their prison hostage. According to Russian media, the hostages were released unharmed, while four of the six hostage-takers had been neutralized.

1 min

With our correspondent in Moscow, Jean-Didier Revoin

Six men from Dagestan and Chechnya, with the exception of a Russian, managed to escape from their cell. They took a guard and another official hostage from the prison where they were all serving sentences for acts of terrorism in Rostov-on-Don, in the south of the Russia.

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Armed with a knife and a baton, these members of the Islamic State took refuge in the interior courtyard of the prison where negotiations began. The prisoners demanded to have a car, weapons and the possibility of leaving the detention center.

Negotiations that came to an end. Thanks to the rapid intervention and cooperation of the prison services, special forces and security services, the assault was ordered. An operation which according to the media lasted only three minutes. Three minutes at the end of which the six terrorists were shot dead while their hostages escaped unharmed.

According to official sources, the operation has been completed and the prison has returned to its usual mode of operation.

Last March, an attack in a concert hall in the suburbs of Moscowthe Crocus City Hall, claimed by the Islamic State in Khorasan (EIK) organization, had caused dozens of victims.

Also listenMoscow attack: “EI-K struck in particular because of Russian support for Syrian power”
