Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi were released from Iranian prison after they were exchanged for Hamid Noury, convicted of gross violations of international law. The home journey started from Oman.
SVT Nyheter was earlier in the day in contact with Johan Floderu’s father Matts, who told about the feelings after the release:
Prisoner exchange between Sweden and Iran – Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi are released for Hamid Noury
Floderus and Azizi in Sweden – the government held a press conference
The international law professor: This is the potential downside of the prisoner exchange
– It feels better than yesterday. The whole family will meet up when Johan lands, he said.
Watch SVT Nyheter’s live broadcast of the prisoner exchange on Play here.
Here Saeed Azizi gets a hug. Photo: Tom Samuelsson/Goverinskansliet
Saeed Azizi and Johan Floderus have just landed here. Photo: Tom Samuelsson/Governingskansliet
Saeed Azizi and Johan Floderus at the aircraft. Photo: Tom Samuelsson/Governingskansliet