Billie Eilish lost all her friends when she became famous. Can success break a friendship?

Billie Eilish lost all her friends when she became famous

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    Billie Eilish is one of those stars who rose to fame very young. But while success and fame can galvanize, they can also affect relationships. Explanations from Amélie Boukhobza, clinical psychologist.

    After experiencing success with his song Ocean Eyes At the age of 14, Billie Eilish became an international star – the American songwriter has won nine Grammy Awards and two Oscars. But if such a rise builds respect, the young woman assures that these successes have not always been easy to bear.

    An immense loneliness

    In an interview with the BBC, the singer explains that her success has had a strong impact on her friendships.

    I lost all my friends when I became famous“, confides Billie Eilish to Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver, on the microphone of the podcast Miss Me?.

    I became famous overnight and couldn’t relate to anyone anymore“, she explained, adding that it was “hard, really very hard“.

    The young singer says that she only frequented her employees.

    “JI was celebrating my 20th birthday and I remember looking around and there were only people I had employed. And they were all at least 15 years older than me.”she reveals, then evoking the resignation “from one of his best friends, without warning and who never spoke to him again“.

    For Billie Eilish, it’s a cold shower. “It was the worst thing that ever happened to me. And it made me realize that it’s just a job and if they decide to quit, we’ll never see each other again“, she says.

    Since this painful episode, the singer, “scared by theabandonment“, takes care not to get too involved in his relationships, setting limits with the people around him.

    The young woman has also worked on herself and is now part of a group.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Celebrity and friendship: a difficult combination?

    Jealousy, envy, resentment… When a friend becomes famous, it can be difficult to manage this new notoriety.

    Success, especially when it is sudden and spectacular as in the case of Billie Eilish, can only have an impact, first on oneself, and even more so on one’s friendly entourage. Of course, friends can experience feelings of envy, jealousy or even insecurity about each other’s success, which can create a gap that is sometimes difficult to bridge. indicates Amélie Boukhobza, psychologist.

    And for good reason: the radical change in lifestyle imposed by success and fame – schedules, priorities, opportunities.can disrupt maintaining close relationships with those who do not share these new experiences“.

    Especially since notoriety is often accompanied by external pressures, such as media attention, public expectations… creating a stressful and sometimes toxic environment, where it becomes more difficult to maintain authentic relationships“, the expert further explains. “Finally, success inevitably leads to rapid personal development. Aspirations, values ​​and interests change, that’s obvious! Which can sometimes make old friendships less relevant or less satisfying“.

    In conclusion, Amélie Boukhobza believes that: “Ultimately, success tests friendships, but it is also an opportunity to see which relationships are truly robust and able to withstand change.”

    The 10 signs of a toxic friendship

    Slide: The 10 signs of a toxic friendship
