Buitoni scandal: shock image, how many sick children?

Buitoni scandal shock image how many sick children

BUITONI PIZZA. The link between the consumption of Buitoni Fraich’Up pizzas and the occurrence of serious food poisoning in children since January has been confirmed. An employee of the factory revealed shocking images on the hygienic conditions of the place of production. The details of this new scandal.

[Mise à jour le 1er avril 2022 à 09h37] Of new cases hemolytic uremic syndrome (SHU) are reported in France in childrenindicates Public Health France March 30. The health agency confirms today the link with the consumption of Buitoni frozen pizzas from the Fraîch’Up range This syndrome is a serious complication of poisoning caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli or E.coli found in pizzas during analyzes . 41 cases of HUS are confirmed to date, two children died. RMC unveiled shocking images of the Buitoni factory in Caudry in the north of France where the pizzas in the Fraîch’Up range are produced. It was a former factory employee who sent these images showing deplorable hygienic conditions: “When you see fungus on the wall, you know it’s wrong. The paint on the metal bars was peeling off. There were scraps of food that remained in certain places for several days, Several weeks. In sauce recovery bins, you could find cigarette butts. Where the flour is sent to the mats, so that the dough does not stick, there were mealworms.” he told our colleagues. Buitoni (Nestlé group) admitted that these photos were indeed taken in the factory but that it is not “never so dirty” habitually. From families of sick children filed a complaint against X and are now banding together to launch a penal procedure. What are the pizzas affected? What to do if we have any at home? Can we be refunded ? What is the E.coli bacteria?

What is the Buitoni Food Scandal?

The Buitoni brand is at the heart of a food scandal. In question, a link confirmed by the French health authorities between their frozen pizzas from the Fraîch’Up range and serious cases of food poisoning in children having led (to date) to two deaths. The facts begin in January 2022. Several cases of pediatric hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and serious Escherichia coli infection are reported to health authorities.

► As of February 24, the Ministry of Health reports 13 cases of HUS in children, related to Escherichia coli bacteria with similar characteristics. These cases occurred in 5 regions of metropolitan France. the first death is announced. The Buitoni brand is not yet mentioned. Several sources of contamination are being investigated, including the ingestion of contaminated food eaten raw or undercooked.

► On March 11, in a new point of situation, the ministry confirms 26 cases identified from SHU with the same characteristics as those of February (13 more). These cases occurred in 9 French regions. One second child death is confirmed. No source of contamination has yet been incriminated.

► March 17a new case of HUS is confirmed bringing the number of total similar cases to 27 cases.

► On March 18, Buitoni recalls all its Fraîch’Up frozen pizzas “after being informed of the presence of E-coli bacteria in the dough of a frozen pizza” of this range. “The epidemiological, microbiological and traceability analyzes carried out suggestat this point, a possible link with the consumption of frozen pizzas from the Fraîch’Up range of the Buitoni brand” specify the Ministry of Health.

“When you see mushrooms on the wall, you know it’s not okay”

► On March 30, Public Health Franceconfirm a link between several cases and the consumption of frozen pizzas from the Fraîch’Up range of the Buitoni brand contaminated with Escherichia coli bacteria that produce Shiga-toxins”. 41 cases of HUS are identified, i.e. 14 more cases compared to the last update on March 17. These cases occurred in 12 metropolitan areas.

► On March 31, RMC unveils shocking images of the Buitoni factory of Caudry in the north of France where the pizzas of the Fraîch’Up range are produced. It was a former factory employee who sent these images showing deplorable hygienic conditions: “When you see fungus on the wall, you know it’s wrong. The paint on the metal bars was peeling off. There were scraps of food that remained in certain places for several days, Several weeks. In sauce recovery bins, you could find cigarette butts. Where the flour is sent to the mats, so that the dough does not stick, there were mealworms.” he told our colleagues. Buitoni (Nestlé group) admitted that these photos were indeed taken in the factory but that it is not “never so dirty” usually. Nestlé has confirmed that the tests it carries out itself in its Caudry factory are negativethe health authorities are continuing their investigations.


What products is Buitoni recalling?

Buitoni recalls all pizzas from the Fraîch’Up range, branded Buitonimarketed. For example :

  • Fresh’Up 4 cheeses
  • Fresh’Up Royale
  • Fresh’Up Chicken
  • Fresh’Up Bolognese
  • Fraîch’Up White Queen
  • Fraîch’Up 3 meats
Example of a recalled Buitoni Fraîch’Up pizza. © Buitoni

The authorities are asking people who hold Buitoni brand Fraîch’Up pizzas not to eat them (even after cooking) and to destroy them. Each household is invited to ensure that its freezer does not contain any. It is also recommended for people holding frozen pizzas in their freezer that have been separated from their box, and whose range and brand cannot be formally identified or clearly known, not to consume them and destroy them. Beyond the checks, if consumers notice that Fraîch’Up pizzas of the Buitoni brand are still marketed, they are invited to make a report on the platform. SignalConso.

How many deaths are recorded?

According to Public Health France, as of March 30, two children died. The cause is hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS). It’s about a infectious complication most often of food origin rare in France but serious. We talk about a syndromeHemolytic” because it means that there is “a destruction of red blood cells” (responsible for anemia and a drop in platelets) and “uremic“because there isblood urea. Urea is a waste product from the body eliminated by the kidneys in the urine. Increased blood urea and other waste products such as creatinine indicate kidney failure.

What is the E.coli bacterium causing the contamination?

Escherichia Coli or “E.coli” is a bacteria found in the gut of humans and some animals especially ruminants. Useful, it prevents other bacteria from colonizing the intestinal flora and causing disease. When they are in the intestine, the majority of its strains are harmless and cause no symptoms. Some, however, are pathogens. Eliminated through the feces of animals, they can contaminate the environment (water, manure, soil) and foods. They tolerate the cold well (survival of several days in a refrigerator) but normally not cooking.

What signs should alert after eating pizzas?

The authorities point out that after consuming the products concerned by the recall, it is important to quickly consult a doctor by reporting this consumption if:

  • within 10 days (or less), people develop symptoms diarrhoea, abdominal pain or vomiting;
  • within 15 days the persons show signs of great fatigue, pallor, a decrease in the volume of urine, which becomes darker.

In the absence of symptoms within 15 days of consumption, it is also reminded that there is no need to worry.

Provided with a photo of the packaging with the product references (Best Before Date, bar code number, batch number, production time), consumers can call the telephone number provided by the company to get a refund: 0800 22 32 42.


Serious cases of haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in children: new cases reported, health authorities remind you of what to do. March 30, 2022. Public Health France.

Ministry of Health press releases.
