Ciotti and LR facing justice, the Popular Union reveals itself

Ciotti and LR facing justice the Popular Union reveals itself

The appeal filed by Eric Ciotti against his exclusion from LR is examined at 11 a.m. by the Paris judicial court. An hour later, Olivier Faure, Marine Tondelier, Manuel Bompard and Fabien Roussel will present the Popular Front program at a press conference.

The essential

  • The 2024 legislative elections will take place on Sundays June 30 and July 7. The electoral campaign will therefore be brief. The parties have until June 16 to unveil their candidates.
  • The Socialist Party, the Communist Party, the Ecologists and La France insoumise announced Thursday evening that the union of the left was now “sealed”. “We worked for a political program of rupture with a variation for the first 100 days of mandate,” specifies the press release. Details of the agreement are to be clarified at a press conference at noon.
  • If Éric Zemmour announced Wednesday evening the exclusion of Marion Maréchal from his Reconquest party, denouncing a “betrayal” after she called to support the RN-LR alliance in the legislative elections, his partner, Sarah Knafo said Thursday evening on the TPMP plateau that Reconquête was ready to unite with the RN. “Jordan [Bardella]we extend our hand to you,” she said.
  • For his part, Éric Ciotti filed a legal appeal yesterday against his exclusion from LR. The Paris judicial court announces at 11 a.m. whether it will pursue the procedure.


09:24 – An agreement in the legislative elections in progress between Renaissance and LR?

After the explosive announcement of an agreement between the RN and LR in certain constituencies, negotiations are underway between Renaissance and LR deputies opposed to Ciotti’s line, according to the JDD. “There are discussions, and it goes in both directions,” confirms an executive from the presidential majority. “All LR candidates who are compatible with Macron are currently being contacted by the government,” says an LR executive who is a supporter of Eric Ciotti.

“I learn that Gérard Larcher is secretly negotiating, behind the backs of LR activists, agreements with Emmanuel Macron in many constituencies. Who is launching the exclusion procedure?” Indignant Guilhem Carayon, the president of the Young Republicans, who was excluded from the party at the same time as Eric Ciotti.

The agreement would provide that LR does not present a candidate facing the presidential majority in certain constituencies, and vice versa. It would notably concern Minister Aurore Bergé in Yvelines, or even the LR mayor of L’Haÿ-les-Roses, Vincent Jeanbrun, in Val-de-Marne.

09:12 – Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister, says Glucksmann

Raphaël Glucksmann confesses that the work towards a union of the left “was hard”: “It was an ideological balance of power”, he affirms, before congratulating himself on having obtained “an extremely clear” on several subjects, including support for the Ukrainian resistance and recognition of the “terrorist” attacks of October 7 in Israel. He also affirms that Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be Prime Minister in the event of a victory for the Popular Front in the legislative elections.

“The subject today is not Jean-Luc Mélenchon. It’s Jordan Bardella”, insists the MEP, who recalls that “we may have 300 far-right MPs on July 7”.

09:07 – The union of the left is “our historical responsibility”, affirms Raphaël Glucksmann

The MEP had been discreet since his re-election on Sunday and the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. This morning on France Inter, he supports the union of the left sealed yesterday. “I would have liked to build a social-democratic pole on the basis of our program,” he admits, confiding his reluctance about an alliance with La France insoumise, to whom he strongly opposed during the European campaign.

But according to Glucksmann, Emmanuel Macron “broke everything!” From now on, “the only thing that matters to me is that the RN does not win these legislative elections and does not govern this country. And the only way to do this is for there to be a union of the left. This is our historical responsibility,” says Glucksmann.

09:03 – The judicial court examines Eric Ciotti’s appeal at 11 a.m.

“Eric Ciotti expresses all his confidence in the Justice system and has no doubt that it will confirm him in his position as president,” we can read in a press release from the Republicans relayed by Eric Ciotti himself. The outgoing deputy from Alpes-Maritimes challenged yesterday in court his exclusion from LR voted on Wednesday by the political bureau. The Paris judicial court will indicate at 11 a.m. whether it is following up on the procedure.

08:57 – The Popular Front presents its program for the legislative elections at noon

At noon, Olivier Faure (PS), Marine Tondelier (EELV), Manuel Bompard (LFI) and Fabien Roussel (PCF) will be at a press conference to present the content of the left-wing union agreement concluded yesterday. “We worked for a political program of rupture with a variation for the first 100 days of mandate”, indicates the press release yesterday evening. The Popular Front agreement also provides for a single left-wing candidacy in each constituency.

08:55 – Welcome to our live broadcast of the 2024 legislative elections

New day of campaigning for political parties in view of the early legislative elections, which will take place on June 30 and July 7. Follow all the news in our live stream.

06/13/24 – 11:30 p.m. – Édouard Philippe denounces the RN-LR alliance

END OF LIVE – “The future of the country is not in this alliance with the RN”, estimated the former Prime Minister in a long-winded interview given to Figaro. Denouncing without pinching the initiative of Éric Ciotti, which moreover “appeared appalling and unnatural”, Édouard Philippe judged that “the party of Nicolas Sarkozy, Jacques Chirac and Alain Juppé, in a large measure from General de Gaulle’s party, has never come to terms with the extreme right”, before calling on those who wish to join his Horizons party.

13/06/24 – 22:33 – Raphaël Glucksmann participated in the writing of the program of the New Popular Front

The one who scored the best on the left in the European elections did not speak this Thursday evening after the announcement of the agreement reached on the left. A notable absence on BFMTV. Present on the set, Fabien Roussel assured that Raphaël Glucksmann had participated in the drafting of the joint program. And to insist on the fact that this “gathering, which is no longer the Nupes […]includes Public Square”.

06/13/24 – 9:41 p.m. – A press conference of the New Popular Front organized Friday at noon

The union of the left sealed, the various party leaders will present in detail tomorrow, Friday, at the stroke of noon, the agreement reached from the House of Chemistry, it was announced this evening.

Learn more

Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly only a few minutes after the announcement of the first estimates of the results of the European elections on Sunday June 9. A “serious, heavy” decision taken in light of the overwhelming victory of the National Rally in the European vote. “I trust the French people to make the fairest choice for themselves and for future generations. I have heard your message, your concerns, and I will not leave them unanswered,” declared the president of the Republic. By this decision, and the appeal to article 12 of the Constitution of the 5th Republic, Emmanuel Macron de facto recorded the organization of early legislative elections aimed at composing a new National Assembly.

The French will therefore be called to vote in new elections which will arrive quickly, very quickly since the Constitution provides for new elections within 20 to 40 days following the dissolution. Emmanuel Macron has already set the dates for the election: the first round of the 2024 legislative elections will be held on Sunday June 30, followed by the second round a week later on Sunday July 7, 2024. That is to say less than three weeks after the announcement by the head of the state. Why so early ? Well because within the deadline provided for by the Constitution, the agenda for the coming months is busy, particularly with the start of the Olympic Games and the summer period and school holidays following, which limited the options for organizing the ballots.

The day after the announcement on the dissolution of the National Assembly and the organization of legislative elections, the different parties entered into campaigning, which will be express with barely three weeks between the announcement and the polls. The first key step is that of submitting applications, the deadline for which is Friday June 14, to allow the official campaign to begin on Monday June 17 and respect the two weeks of campaigning before an election.

It is time for negotiations before the launch of the official campaign. The left was the first to call for a union and even the formation of a “new popular front” from June 10. After meetings and several days of discussions, the four left-wing forces announced that they had found an “agreement in principle” on the distribution of the 577 constituencies in view of the legislative elections to present a single candidate from the first round According to this agreement LFI will present 229 candidates, the PS will have 175, EELV will have 92 and the PCF will have 50. “The essential work on the program is still under discussion”, according to the socialists who affirm that. there will be “no concession on our values”.

On the right, alliances are also being discussed, but they are creating a stir. The president of the Les Républicains party proposed an alliance with the National Rally which showed itself inclined to a rapprochement. But that was without taking into account the majority of LR members who oppose the alliance and demand the dismissal of Eric Ciotti. The Zemmourist Reconquest party also tried to get closer to the RN via Marion Maréchal, but the Lepéniste party refused an alliance for fear that the more radical ideas of the Zemmourist would harm it.

Faced with these two alliances in formation, the presidential majority reacts. Emmanuel Macron seeks to expand his majority to the forces he considers to be part of the Republican arc, notably the socialist left and the Republican right. Above all, he castigated the extreme left and the extreme right and denounced “unnatural” alliances.

The first polls on the results of the 2024 legislative elections began to be published the day after the announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly. Studies currently give the advantage to the National Rally with more than 30% of voting intentions. The Union of the Left comes next in second position with a little over 20% and the presidential majority is only given in third position below the 20% mark. The same studies therefore logically grant more seats to the RN.

According to the Toluna Harris Interactive study for Challenges, M6 and RTL, the RN would win between 235 to 265 seats (compared to 89 currently) in the National Assembly, Renaissance and its allies would increase to 125 to 155 seats (compared to 249 today), Nupes would obtain 115 to 145 seats (compared to 153) and the Republicans would increase to 40 to 55 seats (compared to 74). This survey was carried out online from June 9 to 10, 2024.
