The weather determines whether there will be strawberries by midsummer

The cold spring was followed by a heat wave that gave Rebecca Ringborg’s plants a flying start. Now the first berries are beginning to appear in the field on Ekerö outside Stockholm.

– It looks nice, I think it will be a good strawberry season, says Rebecca Ringborg as she inspects her cultivation beds.

By midsummer, she expects to be able to let in the first self-pickers.

But then it is important that the powers of the weather stand by her. What growers want to avoid right now is cold, torrential rain and wet fields.

– Around 20 degrees and sunny then the strawberries are at their best, says Rebecca Ringborg

Each year, approximately 20,000 tons of strawberries are picked in Sweden.

Here it is already picked

Further south, on the large plantations in Skåne, picking is already in full swing since a couple of weeks ago.

– Sweden is an elongated country, and the strawberries have come to different lengths in different parts of the country, says LRF’s strawberry expert Markus Söderlind, who also emphasizes the importance of the weather.

– It is the weather that determines how much strawberries ripen.

But Rebecca Ringborg is convinced that strawberries from her farms will end up on many midsummer tables this year.

– Absolutely!
