third day of defense arguments in the September 28 massacre trial

third day of defense arguments in the September 28 massacre

This Wednesday, June 12, it was a tenor of the bar who had the floor: Maître Jean-Baptiste Jocamey Haba. The latter engaged in this exercise all day before the judge decided to suspend the hearing to resume next Tuesday, due to the Tabaski holiday.

3 mins

In Guineait has been three days since the lawyers of Moussa Dadis Camara plead. The former head of state is the main accused of the September 28 massacres, during which more than 150 people were killed and more than 100 women raped. In front of a calm court, Master Jocamey Haba, Moussa Dadis Camara’s main lawyer, pleaded the cause of his client whom he says is the victim of a conspiracy.

He accused the organizers of the September 28 meeting, notably former president Alpha Condé, reports our correspondent in Conakry, Mouctar Bah. “ It was clearly indicated that it was Alpha Condé who had set the date of September 28. And unfortunately, when the others were leaving for the stadium for the meeting, he was outside the country. He took the plane on Sunday evening, he left “, declared Maître Jocamey Haba.

For him, Moussa Dadis Camara was indicted for being prevented from being a candidate for the 2015 presidential election. It was quite simply necessary for a political party to designate him as president of the party and possibly candidate for the presidential election which was to be held at the end of 2015. He also had to receive Cellou Dalein Diallo so that the machine for his indictment to be initiated “, he added.

A plea around the personality of Moussa Dadis Camara

Master Haba also opted for a daring strategy, adds Matthias Raynal, corresponding to Conakry. He built his argument around the personality of his client. He affirms that Moussa Dadis Camara is not the angry, power-hungry man that is often portrayed. “ I am going to defend the honor of a generous man, a man of exceptional humanity, an honest man, a sincere, very sincere man. Of a man of moral probity and a sense of honor and justice, of a man with many virtues “, he said.

According to his lawyer, Moussa Dadis Camara had made enemies by wanting to restore his country. “ This man who was willing, available for everything, was thrown out because he attacked drug traffickers, because he attacked corruption. Because he attacked economic predators, Westerners (…), those who wanted to continue to feed on Guinea even though they did not have the right to do so. “, affirmed Jocamey Haba. According to him, Moussa Dadis Camara would be the victim of a conspiracy and of justice exploited by politics.

Maître Jocamey Haba also accused the NGO civil parties in this trial which he describes as “ NGO business “. According to him, the latter take advantage of it and want to make a name for themselves on the backs of the victims. This assertion was criticized by the Victims’ Association. “ The victims who are with us are victims who suffered at the stadium. My son was killed there and I am ready to go to any extent to get the truth about what happened. This is pure and simple defamation. », affirmed the President of the association, Mrs. Asma Diallo

Maître Jocamey Haba will continue his argument next week. Defense lawyers still have to plead.

Read alsoGuinea: continuation of the defense arguments in the trial of the September 28 massacres
