Here is the list of numbers to block to put an end to cold calling

Here is the list of numbers to block to put

Are you tired of unwanted calls? Please note that recently, they have been required to use certain numbers that can be listed.

Who has never received a call on their cell phone, picked it up, and realized that it was a scam or abusive solicitation? Whether it’s selling you bogus insurance or a useless photovoltaic panel service, companies are full of ideas for harassing you over the phone. For some, it is even their main job, since the work of their employees (or their robots) consists of making daily calls and trying to sell different services or services.

Fortunately, the French Government did not take long to tackle this problem and propose different solutions. First of all, it is important to remember that services like Bloctel exist and that they allow you to indicate to cold calling companies that you are not interested in their offers and services.

Other applications created by individuals are also available on the Google Play Store if you have an Android smartphone. On the iPhone side, you will need to turn to the App Store and look for applications specializing in blocking telephone canvassing.

But there is a much easier technique if you want to clean up potential unwanted calls who are trying to contact you to canvass you. Indeed, since January 1, 2023, telephone canvassing platforms have been required to limit themselves to certain specific numbers in order to be easier to identify.

All you need to do is remember these numbers and refuse any calls from them. Better yet: you can start by blocking these numbers to make sure you don’t receive calls from them. Numbers reserved for telephone canvassing must begin with 09 48 or 09 49, 01 62, or 01 63, 02 70, 02 71, or 03 77, or 03 78, 04 24, or 04 25, 05 68, or 05 69.

Also note that some operators and telephone manufacturers can automatically detect these numbers and therefore display a “potentially unwanted number” when they try to contact you by telephone.
