a parliamentary commission of inquiry examines the sensitive question of nationality

the national dialogue proposes profound political economic and social reforms

In Gabon, the National Assembly formed this Friday, June 7, a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the acquisition of Gabonese nationality. Some believe that it is particularly too easy to obtain. Last year, MPs called for an investigation into this old and thorny issue, which was hotly debated during the national dialogue last April. Ultimately, the work of parliamentarians should lead to an overhaul of the nationality code.

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At Gabon« the work will have a republican and objective spirit. We are not here to sue anyone. », explains Marcelin Mve Ebang. The president of the new commission is aware that questions of nationality are sensitive and sometimes accompanied by xenophobic overtones. “ There may be resentment. But we must move towards a better service offering », He indicates, specifying that the mission will have four months to submit its report.

The text should be transmitted to the plenary assembly which will decide whether to publish it or not, as well as to the government which will choose whether to implement it or not.

A sensitive question

Many MPs believe that the law needs to evolve. “ It must be at the same level as in other countries », Indicates a parliamentarian citing an obsolete article allowing you to acquire nationality if you live abroad, but less than 25 kilometers from Gabon.

Others cite the behavior of foreigners who have become Gabonese, but suspected of mismanagement and embezzlement, particularly at the highest level of the State. “ We have the impression that some people call themselves Gabonese until they have problems with the law. Others simply want to take advantage of it to do business », confides a parliamentarian for whom a reform should ease tensions and fight against xenophobia. In the meantime, naturalizations should be paused during the commission’s work.

Read alsoGabon: deputies divided on the adoption of the future electoral law
