continuation of the defense arguments in the trial of the September 28 massacres

continuation of the defense arguments in the trial of the

A tenor of the bar spoke this Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at the trial of September 28. Maître Pépé Antoine Lamah defended former president Moussa Dadis Camara, accused of having ordered the bloody repression of an opposition meeting in 2009 in Guinea. These massacres left more than 150 dead and more than a hundred women raped. Very offensive, the lawyer unleashed his blows against the prosecution, the civil parties and even the victims.

3 mins

The trial of the massacres of September 28, 2009 continued in Guinea with the pleadings of the host of defense lawyers, in particular those who defend the interests of the head of the junta at the time, Captain Moussa Dadis Camara. In this exercise, all means are good to try to exonerate the fiery captain, who very often jumps out of his chair to react to comments he considers malicious against him. For nearly eight hours, Master Pépé Antoine Lamah drew blows against all those who worked directly or indirectly to the incarceration of Captain Moussa Dadis Camara and release his Minister of Defense, General Sékouba Konaté, reports our correspondent in Conakry, Mouctar Bah. “ Sékouba Konaté was at the time number three in the National Council for Democracy and Development and Minister of Defense. He was the one who coordinated the defense and security forces. Why shave in just one camp? “, said the lawyer.

Maître Pépé Antoine Lamah also accused some of having lied and of having enriched themselves, such as the association of victims, relatives and friends of September 28. He also attacked the lawyers of the civil parties and the prosecution, against whom he increased the provocations, adds Matthias Raynal, our correspondent in Conakry. “ The public prosecutor’s office is now on the ground. Mr. representatives of the public prosecutor’s office, it is never too late to do the right thing. You have time to catch up. I hope that the public prosecutor will eventually recognize its errors and request the acquittal of Captain Moussa Dadis Camara », pleaded Master Pépé Antoine Lamah.

Maître Antoine Pépé Lamah also attacked the ICC prosecutor

A few minutes later, he challenged the magistrates and warned them against a political trial. “ You will, in the name of the people of Guinea, definitively cleanse the honor and consideration of Captain Moussa Dadis Camara. Mr. Assessors, you are not the tribunal of the forces of the time (…), you are not the figure of revenge of those frustrated by a regime against a man? »

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court was also not spared during this indictment. “ The ICC prosecutor tends to behave as if he were the one dictating his law to the Guinean justice system. It is he who cites the people to be charged and who decides on the offenses to be prosecuted. », added the lawyer.

After this attack on the ICC prosecutor, the spokesperson for the Guinean human rights organization expressed his astonishment. “ We have the impression that Maître Pépé Antoine Lamah is even logical to deny the role that the ICC plays in terms of complementarity in this matter. We still believe that the court will take all possible measures to analyze all its pleadings and its requisition, make the right decision and rule the law in this case. “, said Alseny Sall.

Maître Pépé Antoine Lamah remained at the bar all day, which shows the weight of this lawyer within Dadis’s defense. This Wednesday, the floor will be given to the last lawyer of Captain Dadis Camara, Maître Jocamey Haba for his pleading.

Read alsoTrial of the September 28 massacre in Guinea: the defense of Moussa Dadis Camara tries to clear the former head of the junta
