who is the boss of the young people of the RN, elected in the European elections?

who is the boss of the young people of the

23rd on the National Rally list, Pierre-Romain Thionnet won a seat in the European Parliament. Who is Jordan Bardella’s discreet assistant?

Pierre-Romain Thionnet is part of the young generation who will occupy the benches of the European Parliament: at 30 years old, the Jura resident has just been elected on the list of the National Rally, where he appeared in 23rd place for these European elections. In reality, Pierre-Romain Thionnet knows the European Parliament well, which he discovered in 2019 by becoming Jordan Bardella’s assistant. “He is someone who is discreet, very elegant, including in his writing, who has political and cultural sense,” the latter confided to Release in 2022.

Defeated in the legislative elections against Charles de Courson

Since then, Pierre-Romain Thionnet has been a candidate in the 2022 legislative elections in Marne, which he lost in the second round to outgoing deputy Charles de Courson. A few months later, he took charge of the youth branch of the RN, which he renamed the National Youth Rally. In 2023, he became regional councilor for Île-de-France.

“A real library”

This former activist of the far-right student union La Cocarde Studente has made a reputation as a discreet intellectual in the ranks of the National Rally. “It’s a real library for me,” praised Jordan Bardella, affirming that his young assistant at the European Parliament prepared “background notes of several pages, reading sheets” for him, and even wrote him “passages of speeches .”
