Swedish pensioners have it the hardest here

Swedish pensioners have it the hardest here

Sweden has an aging population that lives longer and healthier lives. Many retirees plan to pursue unfulfilled dreams after leaving the workforce. But the conditions for success look different for Sweden’s municipalities.

A new survey from Länsförsäkringar shows that there are significant differences in quality of life depending on where you live.

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Länsförsäkringar’s pension index examines the conditions for a good quality of life for the elderly in Sweden. The index is based on several factors, ranging from the need for short-term care to pension levels in different municipalities.

Trifa Chireh, pension economist at Länsförsäkringar, explains that where you live can have a big impact on your opportunities to live out your dreams after retirement. Among other things, due to municipal factors, but also your finances.

– Quality of life can be about how far the pension lasts after high housing costs are paid and whether access to healthcare is good, says Trifa Chireh in a press release.

Photo: Jessica Gow/TT Big differences in pensioners’ quality of life

A survey from Mälardalen University shows that 63 percent of Swedes are positive about aging in Sweden today.

Many look forward to more free time and time for their interests. At the same time, 45 percent worry about a deterioration in personal finances during retirement.

The highest total pensions after tax are found in the municipalities around Stockholm and Malmö. Newly retired people in Danderyd have the highest pension of SEK 17,943 per month.

Those who receive the lowest pension are those who live in Älvdalen, where women receive an average of SEK 9,442 and men receive an average of SEK 11,208. But it is not only your personal finances that affect the conditions for your quality of life.

– It is important to note that many other factors also play a role in how good one’s life is as an elderly person, writes Trifa Chireh.

READ MORE: Do you have too little pension? Compare yourself to the average

More factors for a happy retirement

In the survey of Swedish pensioners’ quality of life, Länsförsäkringar reports that they can see several connections in the municipalities that have received a good ranking for quality of life.

The municipalities that received a good placement have a higher pension among the pensioners in the municipality. But they also list high on other factors, such as more doctors per person and more young people who work and benefit the municipal economy.

– The analysis shows that the elderly seem to have a greater opportunity to live a safe life in municipalities connected to larger cities with many residents and where there is a good distribution between young and old, says Trifa Chireh.

Other factors that make certain municipalities rank higher in the survey are the possibility of continuing to work after turning 65 and being healthier.

But also continued economic factors such as the proportion of elderly people who are not dependent on benefits.

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Pensioners live here with a golden edge

Six municipalities in Stockholm County are among the top ten in Länsförsäkringar’s report on the quality of life of pensioners, which shows that the area offers more conditions for the elderly to live a good life.

According to the survey, these municipalities have an environment that makes it easier for pensioners to enjoy their time and feel safe and financially stable.

Danderyd municipality takes first place with the highest total pension in the country, this gives pensioners greater financial opportunities to fulfill their dreams.

Danderyd also has the lowest proportion of people with low economic standards.

In addition, Danderyd has one of the highest numbers of doctors per person in the country, which makes it easier if you need access to care.

Many pensioners in Danderyd also choose to continue working after the age of 65. Continuing to work can provide stronger financial security.

Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TTHThe pensioners with the worst conditions live here

According to Länsförsäkringar’s survey, the municipality of Munkfors has the worst conditions for maintaining the quality of life after retirement.

This is because many elderly people in the municipality are dependent on support and receive very low pensions.

Munkfors is among the municipalities with the lowest total pensions after tax. A newly retired person in Munkfors receives an average of SEK 10,154 per month, which is 43 percent less than the pension for a person in Danderyd, which has the highest pensions in the country.

According to the survey, low pensions and dependence on livelihood support can lead to a lower quality of life and make it more difficult to live out the dreams that may exist after retirement.

While pensioners in more prosperous municipalities such as Danderyd can enjoy higher pensions and better resources, pensioners in Munkfors face greater challenges in achieving quality.

Here is the list

The pension index is based on eight variables that are weighted together:

  • The proportion of residents over the age of 65 with income support
  • The proportion of residents over the age of 65 with a low economic standard
  • Number of days in short-term care for residents over 65
  • Number of residents over 65 per doctor
  • The level of pensions
  • The supply ratio
  • Proportion of residents over 65 who are still working
  • Debts with the Bailiff for residents over 65 years of age
  • 10 best municipalities for the elderly

  • Danderyd – Stockholm county
  • Solna – Stockholm county
  • Värmdö – Stockholm county
  • Lomma – Skåne county
  • Umeå – Västerbotten county
  • Neck – Stockholm county
  • Vallentuna – Stockholm county
  • Lund – Skåne county
  • Knivsta – Uppsala county
  • Österåker – Stockholm county
  • 10 worst municipalities for the elderly

  • Munkfors – Värmland county
  • Ljusnarsberg – Örebro county
  • Malå – Västerbotten County
  • Filipstad – Värmland county
  • Dorotea – Västerbotten County
  • Strömsund – Jämtland county
  • Haparanda – Norrbotten county
  • Vansbro – Dalarna county
  • Osby – Skåne county
  • Färgelanda – Västra Götaland county
  • Source: County insurances


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