Hamas agrees to cease-fire proposal

Hamas agrees to cease fire proposal

Updated 10.26 | Published 10.20




full screen A ceasefire proposal has passed the UN Security Council and is awaiting final approval by the parties to the Gaza war. This photo was taken last Sunday in central Gaza. Photo: Abdel Kareem Hana/AP/TT

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas says yes to the ceasefire proposal that has passed the UN Security Council, a representative told Reuters according to several international media.

The UN resolution, which was adopted by 14 of 15 Security Council countries on Monday night, calls on Hamas and Israel to fully, and without conditions, implement the provisions contained in the draft agreement presented by Biden in late May.

The US has since announced that Israel has accepted the proposal – but this has not yet been clarified by the Israeli government. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is currently in the Middle East and has said on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has confirmed this to him.

The proposal on the table consists of three phases.

The first applies for six weeks and involves a complete ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli forces from “all populated areas of the Gaza Strip” and the exchange of a number of hostages for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners.

Phase two is dependent on the parties first agreeing on “necessary arrangements”. But if that happens, it would mean a permanent end to the fighting, the release of all remaining living hostages and the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip.

In the third phase, the remains of hostages who are no longer alive must also be returned and a comprehensive reconstruction plan launched.
