Athletics: Karin Grute Movin, European Athletics Federation, responds to criticism surrounding the European Athletics Championships

Protests sent back and forth, major technical problems and activists suffering.

The European Athletics Championships in Rome have had major concerns on several fronts.

Athletics EC

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  • Swedish Karin Grute Movin is vice-president of the European Athletics Federation (European Athletics) and regrets the technical problems that characterized the championship.

    Affected Kamga

    An attention-grabbing organizer’s mistake was what affected Vanessa Kamga. A technical miss led to her throw being measured too far (see the situation in the player above) – which ended up wiping out her personal record.

    Something that Kajsa Bergqvist called “such a soup”.

    Grute Movin points out that the association is not involved in the actual competition structure and therefore has nothing to do with the protests in the EC.

    But is there anything you can do (about the technical part) during ongoing championships?

    – Unfortunately, there is not much you can do in this situation. They work all the time to ensure that things run smoothly, but no major changes.


    What do you say about the image surrounding this championship and how it is affected by everything that has happened?

    – I can only say that I think it is very unfortunate that there are problems with the technology.
