three police officers from the anti-gang force killed by the men of “Barbecue”

three police officers from the anti gang force killed by the

In Haiti, the authorities and the population are still awaiting the arrival of the multinational force led by Kenya. The gangs are preparing for it and continue to target the police. This Sunday, June 9, three members of the anti-gang police were killed during an ambush carried out in the town of Delmas, stronghold of gang leader Jimmy Chérizier alias Barbecue.

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Jimmy Cherizier, the former police officer turned gang leader, published a video that has gone viral where we can hear him claiming the facts and presenting three assault rifles as well as ammunition attributed to the killed police officers. A form of challenge to the police responsible for fighting against his group. The three officers killed belonged to the Temporary Anti-Gang Unit.

According to the Haitian press, the maneuver was carefully prepared. The armored police vehicle was immobilized in a trench dug on the road before a hail of bullets fell on the vehicle.

At least one of the victims died from burns in the armored vehicle which caught fire, another from gunshots. Several gang members were killed. The transitional authorities sent their condolences to the families of the police officers and their colleagues. They promise to do everything to strengthen their operational capacity. »

But the police union is losing patience with gangs that are becoming ever more daring in their attacks. On Sunday June 9, he demanded the dismissal of the director of the National Police.

Also listenHaiti: “Gangs take ‘active defense’ measures before force deployment”

What justice for armed groups?

The mission of the multinational force which must arrive in Haiti in the coming days is to restore security in a country plagued by gangs. One of the challenges of “reconstruction” is precisely the management of armed groups, who present themselves as “revolutionaries”. Should we include them in the pacification process, condemn their leaders or negotiate amnesties?

For Marie Rosy Auguste Ducena, program manager of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH), gangs “ must be tried and sentenced to sentences which will take into account their degree of involvement in the abuses committed against the population. »

Marie Rosy Auguste Ducena (RNDDH): “No amnesty for gangs”

Achim Lippold
