A Swedish runner was injured in a mass crash at the European Championships – the German was seething: “What an idiot I am” | Sport

A Swedish runner was injured in a mass crash at

At the European Athletics Championships, Monday’s session saw dramatic events both on the running track and in the pole position.

Athletics EC Championships 7.6–12.6. Ylen channels. See shipping information at this link.

Monday’s day session of the European Athletics Championships saw drama in the men’s 1,500m heats.

There were two starters. At the start of the last lap of the latter heat, a mass crash was seen, in which four men went down.

German Robert Farken went to pick up positions on the inner track and bumped into the Dutchman by Noah Baltus with. The duo backfired and took down two more men, Sweden by Samuel Pihlström and Portugal by Isaac Nader.

Pihlström was left roaring on the ground in pain for a moment, but then jogged to the finish well behind the others.

Pihlström will undergo further examinations due to an elbow injury, the Swedish Athletics Federation said. In addition, the union announced that it had filed a protest. The protest went through, so Pihlström will participate in the 1,500 meter final, if he is not injured worse.

The Dutchman Baltus saw the situation as unlucky, the kind that happen in middle distances.

– It’s part of the sport, unfortunately, but that’s how it is at 1,500 meters. I don’t really know what happened. It felt like I was just kicked in the calf and then fell over. I saw that Samuel was hurt, I hope he is ok.

Instead, Farken, who initiated the crash, was boring himself.

– I felt strong and tried to sneak inside. Unfortunately, I think the crash was my fault. Contact came from me first and it ended with four men falling, Farken lamented According to Aftonbladet.

Norwegian star Jacob Ingebrigtsen, who already won the 5,000-meter EC gold in Rome, was number one in the latter heat. Farken said that he had received feedback from the Norwegian.

– Jacob said that “why are you so eager when you could pass everyone just by running”. On the one hand, it feels good to hear it from him, but on the other hand, I just feel like what an idiot I am when I get excited.

In the men’s pole vault, on the other hand, a scary moment was seen when the Greek Emmanouil Karalisin the jump went awry.

Karalis failed to land on the mat when attempting a cross from a height of 545. However, he managed to land on the tanter without apparently injuring himself, as he later crossed with his first 560 and advanced to the finals.

The Finnish trio missed the pole vault. Tommi Holttinen your page’s best of the season 545, Urho Kujanpää also jumped 545 and Juho Alasaari remained in the result 525.

Below is a series of pictures of the Greek jumper’s tricks.

Urheilu follows the European Championships moment by moment in this article.

Athletics EC Championships 7.6–12.6. Ylen channels. See shipping information at this link.
