new slap for the right, falling figures

new slap for the right falling figures

Another heavy setback for François-Xavier Bellamy and Les Républicains. The right-wing candidate only comes in 5th position according to the first results, with just 7% of the votes.

One more slap in the face for the Republicans. The right-wing party hoped to be a troublemaker during these European elections, but it was relegated far behind. As announced Sunday evening at 8 p.m. by the first estimates, the list led by François-Xavier Bellamy arrives in 5th position, far behind Jordan Bardella, Valérie Hayer, Raphaël Glucksmann and even Manon Aubry. A snub for Eric Ciotti’s training.

The result of François-Xavier Bellamy and LR in the European elections

In these 2024 European elections, François-Xavier Bellamy and the LR list obtain 7.25% of the votes according to the official results published Monday June 10 by the Ministry of the Interior. This score allows the party to obtain 6 seats of European deputies. During the last European elections, François-Xavier Bellamy, already head of the list for Les Républicains, came in fourth position behind the National Rally, the presidential majority and the environmentalist party with 8.48% of the vote. A score which had already disappointed the ranks of the right.

Who is François-Xavier Bellamy?

Born in 1985, François-Xavier Bellamy first began literary studies before turning to philosophy. He joined the Ecole Normale Supérieure in 2005 and passed the philosophy aggregation in 2008. After two stints in ministerial offices, he left his position to teach in secondary schools and then in preparatory classes. In 2008 and 2014, he was elected and then re-elected as deputy mayor of Versailles in charge of youth, secondary and higher education, and employment. His term ends in 2020.

In 2019, he was elected a member of the European Parliament and chaired the French delegation of the European People’s Party (EPP). It was in 2023 that he became executive vice-president of the Republicans before leading, in 2024, the Republican list in the European elections on June 9.
