Morning news 10 June

Morning news 10 June

SD member sang racist song at election vigil

Sweden Democrats member of parliament David Lång sang “ausländer raus” during SD’s election vigil, Expressen reports. The song – originally a Eurodisco song with the title “L’Amour Toujours” – has spread in far-right and right-wing populist circles during the spring.

Read more about David Lång’s song at SD’s vigil here.

Cold shower for SD in the EU election – blames hard electioneering

The EU election was a cold shower for the Sweden Democrats, who look set to become only the fourth largest party. The Liberals seem to be able to stay in the EU Parliament.

Read more about the EU election.

Mia Skäringer is doing a new series on TV4 this autumn

Mia Skäringer is back on TV4 this autumn, in a new comedy series. There, her character Tabita starts sheltered accommodation for women.

Read more about Mia Skäringer’s new series here.
