An amazing Finnish day at the European Championships – even a four-medal party in the evening? | Sport

An amazing Finnish day at the European Championships even

Wilma Murto and Elina Lampela may both reach pole medals. Jaakko Ojaniemi praises the insane talent of Finnish comet Ilona Mononen, 20.

What speaks?

In Rome, there has been a Finnish wave movement. Sometimes there have been a lot of disappointments in the morning races, but on the other hand, the Finnish athletes have been in great shape in the evening races.

It has become a big topic of conversation how many Finnish athletes have played in Rome with an injury or otherwise half fit. Saga Vanninen, Samuli Samuelsson, Simo Lipsanen, Kristiina Mäkelä, Kasperi Vehmaa, Saga Andersson.

Urheilu’s athletics expert and former 10-man athlete Jaakko Ojaniemi understand the public’s criticism of the Finns, who have come to the competition somehow weak. However, he reminds that the athlete does not necessarily know exactly what the difficulty situation will be in the competition itself.

– For example, how full speed affects the performance. When there have been problems and the preparation has been insufficient, the mistakes are accentuated in high-speed performances. Sometimes it can seem to the outside that there is no point in going to the Games. Even the athlete does not necessarily know exactly what the situation is.

Ojaniemi adds that an athlete can believe that everything is fine. In his own career, Ojaniemi also competed semi-fit.

– In one of the value races, I was in pretty good shape, but my self-confidence was not at that level. Self-confidence is the thing that decides in value competitions, the expert knows.

Who surprised?

Internationally speaking, the biggest sporting surprise of the Games has been the host country Italy, which leads the medal table with seven golds. The Italians have already won 15 medals before the last three days.

Regarding Sunday, however, Ojaniemi raises the youngster as a more positive surprise Ilona Mononen. The 20-year-old super promise, who only recently set his sights on the steeplechase, has improved his record from last year by almost 50 seconds.

On Sunday, Mononen, who ran only his fifth 3,000-meter steeplechase race, failed by Sandra Eriksson the 9:24.70 of the ten-year-old SE was broken by almost one and a half seconds. The end result was also a handsome sixth place in the adults’ value competition debut.

Although we are now moving at the maximum of Mononen’s current potential, Ojaniemi sees that the Ahkera runner from Lahti can improve his record by another five seconds during the current summer.

Mononen is like made for the sport. He makes a lot of smart decisions during the race. He stands out well at water obstacles.

– There was no additional adjustment. He always chose the running position optimally and always ran the inside track. Mononen is very good at overcoming obstacles with so little experience, Ojaniemi praises.


As the biggest flop, Ojaniemi raises the pot thrower Krista Tervon, who sadly missed the qualification. The Finn, who went to Rome as the second in the European statistics, had the seams to fight for a medal at the European Championships.

On the other hand, Tervo’s difficulties follow his performance level. The 67-meter throw in the EC general showed that the result level still fluctuates too much.

– The output level can swing ten meters in one direction or the other, Ojaniemi sums up.

What next?

Monday is the most interesting day of the games for Finns, when most of the realistic medal hopes of the Finnish team compete in the finals of their sports.

In July of last year in Espoo, a shocking Finnish bridge of four medals was proven. In Friday’s final sections of the European Junior Championships Silja Kosonen and Saga Vanninen celebrating championships, Jessica Kähärä leaped bronze and Veera Mattila kiri to a surprise silver in 800 meters.

On Monday, a similar display can be seen at the adult EC level, although 2–3 medals are more likely.

Wilma Murto (stick) and Top Raitanen (3,000 m ej) are defending their European championships. Silja Kosonen on the other hand, she is looking for the first Finnish medal in the history of the women’s sculls. All three are in great condition.

The fourth chance for a medal is in the women’s pole vault, where Elina Lampela there is potential for a surprise medal. Murro’s peer broke his record of 463 just over a week ago. A result like that can even be enough for bronze.

In qualifying, Lampela flashed with his good speed run and airy overtaking.

– It would be a major surprise, but on the other hand, that medal is not completely impossible. Probably something in the 470 class is required for a medal. In principle, Lampela has enough potential, although it requires maximum performance. On the other hand, if he gets a flow state like Murto two years ago.
