Athletics: Andreas Kramer fifth in the 800 meters final in the athletics EC

Andreas Kramer, who won the WC silver last winter, went to the final of 800 meters yesterday after finishing third in his semi-final, where he was at the front of the field for most of the race.

Tonight’s final looked completely different.

Athletics EC

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  • Julia Henriksson eliminated – fifth in the 100 meter semi-final in the athletics EC

  • “It’s sour”

    There, Kramer ended up early in the rear of the field. In the final third of the race, he picked up the pace and closed in on the lead, but he was no further than fifth, posting a time of 1.45.70 – just under a second off his year’s best.

    – It’s sour, then. I knew it would be tough. It’s an open final, I might as well have a medal today, says Kramer to SVT Sport.

    “Angry at myself”

    He was a little unhappy with how he completed the race.

    – I’m a little angry with myself. Had I been a little more focused, so… I discovered too late that the Spaniard was losing, he says, referring to the fact that he then ended up too far behind and that the gap to the lead was too large.

    France’s Gabriel Tual won in a time of 1:44.87.
