The resale right investigation – Media column

The resale right investigation Media column

We are talking about two investigative investigations broadcast Thursday evening on France 2 against the former minister Nicolas Hulot on the one hand and on a military contract between France and Egypt on the other hand.

These are two surveys of France 2, broadcast Thursday evening, which accuse men of power. The first, that ofCorrespondent, brings three testimonies of sexual assault against Nicolas Hulot, former Minister of the Environment and former host of TF1. The Paris prosecutor’s office yesterday opened an investigation against him for rape and sexual assault. The report resumes and extends an investigation of a magazine that disappeared shortly after, Ebdo, who had revealed three years ago that a complaint for rape of Pascale Mitterrand, granddaughter of the former president, had been filed against Nicolas Hulot in 2008 before being prescribed. Immediately, the environmentalist had obtained the antenna of BFMTV to defuse his affair before it appeared and members of the government, in particular Marlène Schiappa, at the time in charge of gender equality, had come forward. to his aid.

Three years later, Nicolas Hulot returned to BFMTV to try to clear the charge by posing as a victim, but he is sorely lacking in support. Admittedly, he is no longer in government and, moreover, announces that he is withdrawing from public life. But it is especially that for three years a #MeToo of the media has come to change the situation. Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, the former presenter of TF1, in particular, is also targeted by a new complaint for rape by the writer Florence Porcel and several testimonies have come to confirm openly in Release sexual harassment.

The second report, from Further investigation, implicates ministers Jean-Yves Le Drian and Florence Parly but also presidents Hollande and Macron, and this time for facts of a completely different gravity. Thanks to Disclose, a collective of investigative journalists, it is established on the basis of documents classified as “confidential defense” that France has entered into a cooperation agreement with the Egyptian army which has resulted in the elimination of traffickers, civilian targets, not terrorists as a mission to Egypt envisioned. For this, a French plane provided information which was then used to bomb a thousand target vehicles in the desert.

In the name of its interests in the sale of arms and in particular the Rafale, has France knowingly chosen to ignore the alerts from its Directorate of Military Intelligence signaling a misuse of this mission by Marshal Sissi’s regime? This is what the government refuses to answer. He announces a double investigation into the background of the revelations, but also to find the whistleblower at the origin of the breach of defense secrecy.

