This is what the weather will be like in midsummer

This is what the weather will be like in midsummer

May ended with great weather and a real summer feeling. But when June came, so did rain and wind, and so far there is no summer sun in sight.

Now that summer is on the horizon, it’s not strange to wonder what the weather will be like in midsummer.


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Midsummer celebration in Dalarna. Photo: Ulf Palm/TTThis is what the weather will be like in midsummer

The Express reports that the rain that is currently over the country will last for a couple of days. Except if you live in northernmost Norrland or Gotland, there must be a break.

Then the temperature will be 10 to 15 degrees until midsummer. But then comes the heat.

– It is too early to say anything weather-wise, about rain and clouds and so on, but if nothing drastic happens, it looks like it could get a little warmer, says Josefine Qvarnesjö-Bergstedtmeteorologist at Storm geo, to the paper.

She continues:

– It looks like it could be 20-25 degrees around midsummer.


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Everything you need to know about Midsummer
