YouTuber who threw fireworks at Lamborghini from helicopter was arrested

YouTuber who threw fireworks at Lamborghini from helicopter was arrested

YouTuber throwing fireworks at Lamborghini from helicopter arrested. The person in question is Suk Min Choi, also known as Alex Choi.

Shared on July 4, 2023, “Destroying a Lamborghini with Fireworks” The video titled became a big problem for US citizen Suk Min Choi. No longer available to watch on YouTube because it was deleted (Currently Here is located) video, as we learned today, was caught on the radar of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after it was published. After the investigation, Choi convicted of violating the law against carrying explosives or incendiary devices on an aircraft. It was also stated that Suk Min Choi did not obtain the necessary legal permissions for this video. Therefore, it is reported that he may be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.. Last year, a bigger development centered on YouTuber made a splash. Trevor Jacob a pilot’s license named YouTuberpublished “I Crashed My Plane” He attracted a lot of attention with the video titled. The video, which has received more than 4 million views, is Jacob’s This caused him to be sentenced to 6 months in prison in the USA.. In this video, he is talking about the small single-engine plane he flies in the sky. “it malfunctioned” jumping with excuse (With selfie stick in hand) Jacob, within the scope of the subsequent investigation He admitted that it was all fiction.


You used the accident to promote a company’s product. created as part of the sponsorship agreement and stated that he never intended to complete the flight. Trevor Jacob, Therefore, after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) review in 2022 He lost his pilot’s license. As it turned out later, the Federal Aviation Administration removed Jacob from the investigation. He asked to preserve the plane wreckage.

Initially, the authorities were told that the plane He said he didn’t know where he fell The pilot and a friend recovered the wreckage from the Los Padres National Forest two weeks after the incident. So Jacob knew exactly where the plane crashed.. In the following days, he broke the plane into small pieces and threw them into trash bins at Lompoc City Airport and the surrounding area. YouTuberconvicted of obstructing a federal investigation by telling multiple lies He could face a prison sentence of up to 20 years It was said, but such a big penalty was not given.

In the statement made by the Ministry of Justice on this subject, it was stated that Jacob was killed before the plane took off. It was said that he made a false statement by stating that he lost complete power after about 35 minutes.. Jacob also told an FAA aviation safety inspector that the plane’s engine had shut down and that he parachuted out of the plane because he could not find a safe landing option. He also made a false statement by saying. Although Jacob could have made serious progress by gliding, he did not look for a safe place to land because it was all part of a very risky show.

Besides the dangerous steps taken by YouTuber
