[EN IMAGES] The Olympic rings took place on the Eiffel Tower in Paris

EN IMAGES The Olympic rings took place on the Eiffel

Less than fifty days before the Paris Olympic Games, the five Olympic rings were hung on the Eiffel Tower overnight. Around fifteen rope access technicians took part in the rigging operation as well as several cranes.

2 mins

Parisians, as well as tourists present in the French capital, noted this morning of June 7 the presence of the red, green, blue, black and yellow rings, representing the five continents hoisted on the Iron Lady. “ We come from the Czech Republic and we were on the landing beaches in Normandy yesterday. These rings symbolize in my eyes freedom and above all peace, peace, peace between States », insists a tourist met at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

It’s also a great way to talk about Olympic values ​​to children…

Report from Paris by Baptiste Coulon

Manufactured by the steelmaker Arcelor Mittal from recycled steel, the rings weigh 30 tonnes, and measure 29 meters long and 13 meters high.

It was the steelmaker Arcelor Mittal who made the rings from recycled steel.

Installed between the first and second floor of the most famous French monument, the rings, symbols of Olympic Gameswill remain until the end of the Paralympic events.

The five Olympic rings hanging from the Eiffel Tower, seen from the Trocadéro.

Read also“Olympism, a history of the world”: in Paris, an exhibition between sport and politics
