Ciara’s hard marking against Måns Zelmerlöw in the new image

Ciaras hard marking against Mans Zelmerlow in the new image

It is no longer a secret that there is a lot of cracking in the joints between Måns Zelmerlöw37, and his wife Ciara Johnson, 37. Måns and Ciara met at a wedding in 2016, and Måns fell head over heels for the British actress. Ciara, on the other hand, was not as flirtatious back.

– We were at a wedding in England where I played, and she was completely uninterested. We ended up next to each other at dinner, and I had to fight. It was only when we started texting afterwards that she realized that I was quite fun, Måns has told in an interview with P4 Extra.

But they later became a couple, and in 2019 the wedding bells rang for Måns and Ciara in Croatia. Celebrities like Carolthe comedian Per Andersson and the former tennis player Jonas Björkman were among the guests.

The year before the wedding, Måns and Ciara had their son Albertand the son Ossian come year 2022. Then Ciara is British and has the son Archie from a previous relationship, it has become the case that the whole family lives just outside London.

Måns, on the other hand, still has contact with his Scanian roots as he has a summer house in Kattvik in Båstad.

READ MORE: Ciara’s sour dick against Måns Zelmerlöw – the detail in the picture

Ciara Janson and Måns Zelmerlöw. Image source: Stella Pictures. What has happened between Måns Zelmerlöw and Ciara Janson?

On the surface, the relationship between Måns and Ciara looked perfect. But the reality has been different. Recently, they have been conspicuous by their absence on each other’s social media. Both Ciara’s birthday and also Mother’s Day have passed without Måns having written anything about his wife and “baby mama” – something he always did in previous years.

In addition to that, could News24 reveal that Ciara also took the step and followed Måns on Instagram. She also removed the name Zelmerlöw from her presentation on Instagram.

READ MORE: Ciara Janson has followed Måns Zelmerlöw: “Anyone who knows…?”

When their son recently turned one, both Ciara and Måns took the opportunity to congratulate their boy – but they neither mentioned nor tagged each other in any posts.

Nasty rumors quickly began to spread on social media, and one of the rumors was about Måns Zelmerlöw having bought sex. Something he went out and denied, while also telling us that he and Ciara are having a tough time right now.

– Right now, my wife and I are struggling to keep our relationship together. It is difficult and is not made easier by the fact that there is wild speculation about everything possible in the media and on social media. But since the rumor that I would be the sex buyer in Östermalm has reached such proportions now, I feel that it must be enough. I have never bought sex. It is someone else who is arrested and whoever it is will surely come forward in time, Måns Zelmerlöw told The evening paper.

READ MORE: Måns Zelmerlöw: “That’s why I was unfaithful”

Ciara Janson’s unusual engagement ring

When Måns “back in the days” proposed to Ciara, he did it with a very unique ring in the form of a so-called halo ring – but instead of the more classic choice of diamond, it was a shimmering aquamarine that was the focus of the creation, which designed by Efva Attling.

Ciara Janson’s engagement ring, designed by Efva Attling. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlow

Hanna Hellberg is a jewelry expert and can be heard on, among other things, Smickespodden and the Klocksnack podcast with Denke & Berns. She has previously analyzed both the princess on behalf of Nyheter24 Madeleine’s jewelry, Anders “The Angry Carpenter” Öfvergårds exclusive status watch and Märta Elander Wisténs outstanding jewelry collection. Märta, who is cohabiting with the Norwegian hotel tycoon Petter Stordalennamely has jewelry worth millions.

READ MORE: Märta Elander Wistén has jewelry worth millions: “Incredible style”

READ MORE: Princess Madeleine shows the gift of love from Chris O’Neill: “Cheeky and expensive”

For Nyheter24, Hanna now gives her view on Ciara’s ring.

What do you think of Ciara’s engagement ring?

– It’s fun that Ciara dares to color, and the aquamarine in particular suits her colors – so it’s definitely a hit. Despite the wonderful color, it is quite unusual to have aquamarines in engagement rings as the stone itself is relatively soft – 7.5 on the Mohs scale. In practice, this means that it is easily scratched with frequent use, which is why it is often not recommended for everyday jewelry – which it really is when we are talking about an engagement ring. But on the other hand, it’s not the whole world if it gets a little scratched, it can be polished again. However, I would like to urge Ciara to wash the ring often as otherwise it will not sparkle as much. Dirty diamonds sparkle, a dirty aquamarine does not, says Hanna Hellberg to Nyheter24.

So, hit or miss?

– In terms of style, I appreciate that she dares to go for a ring that takes up space, and that she goes for color – but otherwise it’s a fairly classic (and basic) ring with a halo, and I might have dared to hope for a little more finesse in the design , Hanna Hellberg tells Nyheter24 about Ciara’s engagement ring.

Hanna Hellberg is an expert in both jewelery and watches. Ciara’s hard choice against Måns Zelmerlöw – took off the engagement ring

Anyone who follows Ciara on Instagram has probably not been able to escape her massive engagement ring, which usually flashes in her photos.

On April 6 – just a few weeks ago – she was seen with the ring on her left ring finger, and even after that it has been seen on her Instagram Story and when she’s tagged in other photos.

Ciara Janson with her engagement ring on April 6, 2024. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlow

But now Nyheter24 can reveal that the engagement ring is a thing of the past. In the latest photos from Ciara’s Instagram Story, the attentive follower can notice that she has now taken off her engagement ring.

In a couple of videos, Ciara’s left hand is visible, and she has a slightly wider gold ring on one of her fingers, but where the engagement ring used to sit is now completely empty…

Ouch, ouch – poor Måns!

Ciara Janson has taken off her engagement ring. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlow
Ciara Janson without her engagement ring. Image source: Instagram/ciarajzelmerlow
