Preschool class won pledge competition

The children at the Biet preschool in Stockholm initially participated in a pant challenge for the sake of the environment, but when one of their friends became ill with cancer, they changed direction and made an impressive effort and won the Pantchallenge competition.
– They have understood that their friend is sick and has “cancer balls in his head”, says Ema Belcic, who is a nurse at the Biet preschool.

When the class received the news that they had won, the joy was enormous. There was hope and bounce of happiness, something that even four-year-old Harry expressed when he was interviewed. He said that the deposit had gone very well and that it was not particularly difficult, despite the many trips to the deposit station.

An environmental project that grew

When Ema found out about the pledge competition, they signed up immediately. During the course of the project, one of their classmates became ill with a brain tumor, which made the children decide to donate the money to the Children’s Cancer Foundation. Their commitment and concern for their sick friend has been a strong driving force throughout the project.

Winner of Pantchallenge

Winning first prize and being the best in all of Sweden was a fantastic feeling for both the children and Ema. The money they collected will go to the Children’s Cancer Foundation. The children have really understood the importance of helping others, especially their sick friend. Except that they themselves collected
SEK 15,000 in pledges led to their work winning the entire competition and being rewarded with an additional SEK 50,000.

When the class received their prize cheque, they also got to enjoy an ice cream each, which Harry told with a smile – his favorite flavor is raspberry.

Going forward, the class plans to continue its pledge. Their initiative shows a great awareness and willingness to contribute to something greater, and their effort is admirable.
