Andersson: “I had focused on social problems”

Sweden has one of Europe’s toughest alcohol laws, and together with Finland has an exception for an alcohol monopoly through Systembolaget. Before the EU elections, the government announced earlier on Wednesday that it wants to allow small-scale and artisanal farm sales of alcohol. In Efter fem’s EU duel, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) calls the proposal a “small freedom reform”, but states that they have no intention of loosening the alcohol monopoly. – We will keep the exception we have, but just like in other countries, you should be able to go to a microbrewery or to a vineyard in Skåne and be able to buy a couple of bottles home with you, he says. The answer after the girl: “A little embarrassing, frankly” The Social Democrats’ party leader Magdalena Andersson is not against opening up farm sales – as long as you don’t risk upsetting Systembolaget, which she emphasizes has great trust among the Swedish people. However, she believes that the prime minister should spend more time on other issues. – Ulf Kristersson says that this is a freedom reform, and I think of those who are afraid to go out at night because of all the shootings and explosions. I think it’s completely different freedom reforms that they want Sweden’s prime minister to put time and energy into, she says and continues: – The shootings and explosions continue, we have a health care crisis, families with children have difficulty making ends meet and we have a war in Europe, and then perhaps this is not what increases security or freedom for the Swedish people in the first place. – It’s a bit embarrassing to be honest, answers Ulf Kristersson and continues: – If you think it’s so bad that I, as prime minister, both put forward proposals that stop gang crime and that increase freedom a little, a little bit in the Swedish countryside, then vote against if so. I think you can have two thoughts in your head at the same time. The EU must become climate neutral The climate issue was also raised in the debate, where Ulf Kristersson is convinced that the EU with its common climate policy will meet the goal of becoming climate neutral by the year 2050. Magdalena Andersson: – The big problem with Ulf Kristersson now – when we have this pact in place – is that he is starting to open up to cooperate with the parties that want to completely tear up this pact and increase emissions and increase our dependence on the Russian oil and gas. – As usual, there is a discussion about who gets to talk to whom. Far to the right and far to the left in various countries there are parties that do not believe in European cooperation at all, and I do not intend to cooperate with them, answers Ulf Kristersson. The EU elections take place on Sunday, but you have been able to vote early for some time now.
