House plan, Salvini widens the meshes of the amnesty

House plan Salvini widens the meshes of the amnesty

(Finance) – Tolerance and an “amnesty for the future too”. These are the line of Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Matteo Salvini That today at a press conference he announced an expansion of the amnesty on the housing plan. Among the changes put in black and white by the League to broaden the scope of the save home decree include: habitable micro-apartments starting from 20 square metres, limit to ceilings at 2.4 metres, habitability of rooms on the ground floor, extension of tolerances to properties yet to be built.

Also on the table transformation of Mit, into Mite, adding the “it’s the end of construction”. In fact, the League aims to entrust the task of adopting the Italy Home Plan for the reorganization of residential and social housing by looking at new models of public-private cooperation with credit operators who have a social vocation (“patient funds”).

However, the wait is above all for the amendment that will allow thehabitability of the “micro apartments”. The League will propose new limits of 20 square meters, from the current 28, for one person and 28 for two, from 38 today. For the height of the ceilings, the objective is to go from the minimum of 2.70 meters to 2.40 (as already allowed for corridors and bathrooms). It will also be possible to be able to change the intended use of a room placed on the ground floor to create a home, as requested in particular by small municipalities and historic villages.

The new tolerances will also be extended to future properties “to ensure uniformity of discipline and uniform treatment for all building interventions”. Changes will then concern the on-site verification of the works to ensure that, once a certificate of usability/habitability has been obtained from a technician of the Municipality or the Local Health Authority, no one can subsequently detect any discrepancies. Simplifications will also come via amendment on the interventions carried out before 1977, the year of the Bucalossi law, and for the regularization process of partial discrepancies, limiting the extent (and therefore the amount) of the works that can be requested to regularize the property, limiting them only to those that are necessary and essential for the security. Limits also to the substitutive power of the Regions, who today can cancel the issuing of the building permit by the Municipalities even after 10 years, and a solution with the Save Milan “for the hundreds of families who today live in buildings that cannot be demolished” also in other cities.

An amendment by the League provides for the possibility of regularize the percentages of extra surface area created compared to the expected surface area: they range from 2% more for large properties up to 5% for properties of 100 square metres. “Today the law provides for ex ante amnesty, for the past. With the League’s amendment – ​​explained Salvini – we extend the ex post amnesty”. In essence, he said “an amnesty for the future too”.

“I hope that Parliament, if it wants to argue or obstruct, does not do so in the homes of Italians – said the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport –. I am counting on an agreement already at Commission level”.

“Today Minister Salvini announced the proposals for additions to the ‘Save Home’ decree which will be presented in Parliament by the League, also inviting the other parties to propose additional interventions. It is important that the construction site remains open and Confbuilding will continue to contribute to this work aimed at arriving at the best possible text, for the benefit of owners and the real estate market – commented in a note Giorgio Spaziani Testa, president of Confedilizia –. We also appreciated the reference to the simplifications for the regularization of pre-’77 buildings, to the changes to the usability regulations as well as to the possibility of extending the contents of the provision to the issues of social housing and the expansion of the housing offer. In this last regard, we trust that Parliament and the Government can evaluate with due attention our proposal to eliminate the IMU on homes rented through agreed rental contracts, and therefore at a controlled price. An immediate, impactful and at the same time inexpensive measure.”
